"A benign neoplasm of the ovary, composed of leuteinized granulosa-theca cells.CDISC" . _:b770750 _:b687602 . _:b770750 _:b770751 . "LUTEOMA, BENIGNPTCDISC" . _:b770746 _:b687598 . _:b687602 . _:b634663 . "LUTEINOMASYCDISC" . _:b770749 _:b687601 . _:b770748 _:b770749 . _:b687603 . _:b687601 . _:b770747 _:b687599 . "Ovarian Stromal Luteoma"^^ . _:b770748 _:b687600 . . _:b634663 . . _:b687598 . _:b687600 . . _:b770749 _:b770750 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . "LUTEAL CELL NEOPLASMSYCDISC" . _:b770751 . "Benign"^^ . _:b687601 . . "A benign ovarian stromal tumor in which more than 90% of the tumor cells resemble steroid hormone-secreting cells. Crystals of Reinke are not present. It occurs in post-menopausal women and it is usually associated with estrogenic effects.NCI" . _:b687600 . _:b687599 . "LUTEAL CELL TUMORSYCDISC" . _:b687600 . "LuteomaSYNCI" . "LuteinomaSYNCI" . "8610/0"^^ . _:b740971 _:b770746 . "A benign ovarian tumor of granulosa or theca-lutein cell origin, producing progesterone effects on the uterine mucosa. (Stedman, 25th ed)MSH2003_2003_05_12" . . _:b634663 _:b740971 . "Luteal Cell NeoplasmSYNCI" . _:b687598 . _:b687602 . _:b687601 . "Luteoma"^^ . _:b687599 . "C3202"^^ . "Ovarian Stromal Luteoma"^^ . "C0024167"^^ . _:b687603 . "OVARIAN STROMA LUTEOMASYCDISC" . _:b770747 _:b770748 . "Luteal Cell TumorSYNCI" . "Ovarian Stromal LuteomaPTNCI" . _:b687603 . "LUTEOMASYCDISC" . _:b770746 _:b770747 . . _:b687598 . _:b687599 . "CDISC"^^ . _:b770751 _:b687603 . _:b687602 . _:b740971 .