"A disorder characterized by inflammation involving the spinal cord. Symptoms include weakness, paresthesia, sensory loss, marked discomfort and incontinence.CTCAE" . "Myelitis"^^ . "Myelitis"^^ . . . "Inflammation of the spinal cord. Relatively common etiologies include infections; AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES; SPINAL CORD; and ischemia (see also SPINAL CORD VASCULAR DISEASES). Clinical features generally include weakness, sensory loss, localized pain, incontinence, and other signs of autonomic dysfunction.MSH2003_2003_05_12" . "Myelitis"^^ . "An inflammatory process affecting the spinal cord. Causes include viral infections, autoimmune disorders, vascular disorders, and toxic agents. Symptoms include weakness, paresthesia, sensory loss, pain, and incontinence.NCI" . "MyelitisPTCTCAEE12732" . "C26832"^^ . "C0026975"^^ . "MyelitisPTNCI" . "Disease or Syndrome"^^ . .