. "laromustinePTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000644318" . . "A sulfonyl hydrazine prodrug with antineoplastic activity. Laromustine releases the DNA chloroethylating agent 90CE after entering the blood stream; 90CE chloroethylates alkylates the O6 position of guanine, resulting in DNA crosslinking, strand breaks, chromosomal aberrations, and disruption of DNA synthesis. Intracellular metabolism of this agent also releases methyl isocyanate which inhibits O6-alkyl-guanine transferase, an enzyme involved with DNA repair.NCI" . "LAROMUSTINEPTFDA14J2G0U3NQ" . "CloretazinePTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000644319" . "FDA"^^ . "C2713559"^^ . "C6H14ClN3O5S2"^^ . "734246"^^ . "LaromustinePTNCI" . "38440"^^ . "OnriginPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000644320" . "Pharmacologic Substance"^^ . "VNP40101M"^^ . "Laromustine"^^ . "VNP40101MPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000045049" . "Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors or Lymphomas; Relapsed or Refractory Leukemia or Poor-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes"^^ . "38440"^^ . "VNP40101MCNNCI" . "173424-77-6"^^ . "101MCNNCI" . "Laromustine"^^ . "14J2G0U3NQ"^^ . "1,2-Bis(methylsulfonyl)-1-(2-chloroethyl)-2-(methylaminocarbonyl)hydrazineSNNCI" . "A drug used to treat acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). It is also being studied in the treatment of several other types of cancer. It blocks cell growth by damaging the cell's DNA and may kill cancer cells. It is a type of alkylating agent.NCI-GLOSS" . . "C2653"^^ . "Organic Chemical"^^ . "OnriginBRNCI" . "CloretazineSYNCI" . . .