"SomatotropinSYNCI" . _:b764384 _:b764385 . _:b764380 _:b764381 . "139250"^^ . _:b764386 _:b677723 . "Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein"^^ . _:b677726 . _:b677724 . _:b764387 _:b677724 . _:b677722 . "GHSYNCI" . _:b677725 . _:b764381 _:b764382 . "Growth Hormone"^^ . _:b764387 _:b764388 . _:b633347 . _:b677723 . _:b730061 _:b764380 . _:b764386 _:b764387 . . _:b677720 . "9002-72-6"^^ . "somatotropinPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000572158" . _:b677721 . _:b764382 _:b677719 . "A peptide hormone secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland and regulates several physiologic processes, including growth and metabolism.NCI" . "hGHNSYNCI" . _:b764383 _:b764384 . _:b677726 . "A protein made by the pituitary gland that helps control body growth and the use of glucose and fat in the body.NCI-GLOSS" . _:b730061 . _:b677726 . _:b764383 _:b677720 . _:b677724 . _:b764380 _:b677717 . _:b764381 _:b677718 . _:b677722 . "growth hormonePTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000538639" . _:b677725 . _:b677724 . "Growth HormonePTNCI" . _:b677720 . . _:b677725 . "Growth Hormone"^^ . "Growth Hormone 1SYNCI" . _:b633347 _:b730061 . "Growth_Hormone"^^ . _:b764389 . _:b677721 . _:b677723 . _:b677720 . _:b764388 _:b677725 . _:b677721 . _:b764389 _:b677726 . "Somatotropic HormoneSYNCI" . _:b764388 _:b764389 . _:b677717 . "P01241"^^ . "Hormone"^^ . _:b677722 . "GHNSYNCI" . _:b677719 . _:b677718 . "C0037663"^^ . _:b677723 . _:b677719 . _:b677718 . _:b677719 . _:b764385 _:b677722 . _:b633347 . _:b677718 . _:b677717 . _:b764382 _:b764383 . "Pituitary Growth HormoneSYNCI" . "C2288"^^ . _:b764385 _:b764386 . . _:b764384 _:b677721 . _:b677717 .