"GN-RHSYNCI" . "LuliberinSYNCI" . _:b677296 . "GnRHSYNCI" . "D-His-6-Pro-8-NEt-LHRHSYNCI" . "LH-RHSYNCI" . _:b677297 . "LHRHSYNCI" . "LH-RHSYNCI-GLOSSCDR0000045751" . "C1521755"^^ . "Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone"^^ . "Hoe- 471SYNCI" . "LH-RFSYNCI" . "GnRHPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000306531" . "Hormone"^^ . "Follicle Stimulating Hormone-Releasing FactorSYNCI" . "Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing HormoneSYNCI" . "LH/FSH-RFSYNCI" . . "gonadotropin-releasing hormonePTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000306499" . _:b677297 . _:b677298 . . "Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing FactorSYNCI" . "luteinizing hormone-releasing hormonePTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000044574" . "LH/FSH-RHSYNCI" . "Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone"^^ . "GonadoliberinSYNCI" . "C2270"^^ . "AY-24031SYNCI" . "Gonadotrophin Releasing HormonePTNCI" . "GonadorelinumSYNCI" . "A hormone made by the hypothalamus (part of the brain). GnRH causes the pituitary gland to make luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). These hormones are involved in reproduction.NCI-GLOSS" . _:b677299 . _:b677296 . "Luteinising Hormone-Releasing FactorSYNCI" . "GonadorelinSYNCI" . _:b677298 . _:b677299 . "33515-09-2"^^ . _:b677297 . "Specifically expressed in hypothalamic neurons as a preproprotein, Gonadotropin Releasing Hormones (GnRH Family) are secreted into the median eminence capillary plexus, bind to receptors on anterior pituitary gonadotrophs, and stimulate release of LHRH and FSH gonadotropins to control female reproduction. (NCI)NCI" . _:b677296 . _:b677296 . _:b677297 . _:b677298 . _:b677298 . "Gonadotrophin_Releasing_Hormone"^^ . _:b677299 . _:b677299 .