_:b671804 . _:b671803 . _:b671804 . _:b671805 . . "C20735"^^ . "Gene or Genome"^^ . _:b671805 . . _:b671804 . "FABP Family Gene"^^ . _:b671804 . _:b671803 . _:b671803 . "FABP Family Gene"^^ . "C1333529"^^ . _:b671805 . "FABP_Family_Gene"^^ . "FABP Family GenePTNCI" . "These genes encode the intracellular fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs). Fatty acid metabolism in mammalian cells depends on a flux of fatty acids, between the plasma membrane and mitochondria or peroxisomes for beta-oxidation, and between other cellular organelles for lipid synthesis. FABPs are divided into at least three distinct types, namely the hepatic-, intestinal- and cardiac-type. They form 14-15 kDa proteins and at least 3 different FABPs play a role as transport vehicles of these hydrophobic compounds throughout the cytoplasm. They may participate in the uptake, intracellular metabolism and/or transport of long-chain fatty acids. They may also be responsible in the modulation of cell growth and proliferation. (from LocusLink 2170)NCI" . _:b671803 . _:b671805 .