. . "Spirapril may decrease the excretion of potassium. Salt substitutes containing potassium may increase the risk of hyperkalemia. "@en . . . . . . . "approved"@en . . . "Bioavailability is 50% following oral administration."@en . . . . . "Spiraprilat, the active metabolite of spirapril, competes with angiotensin I for binding at the angiotensin-converting enzyme, blocking the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. Inhibition of ACE results in decreased plasma angiotensin II. As angiotensin II is a vasoconstrictor and a negative-feedback mediator for renin activity, lower concentrations result in a decrease in blood pressure and stimulation of baroreceptor reflex mechanisms, which leads to decreased vasopressor activity and to decreased aldosterone secretion. Spiraprilat may also act on kininase II, an enzyme identical to ACE that degrades the vasodilator bradykinin."@en . . "30 to 35 hours"@en . "Do not take calcium, aluminum, magnesium or iron supplements within 2 hours of taking this medication."@en . . "High salt intake may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of spirapril."@en . . . "Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of spirapril include: bayberry, blue cohash, cayenne, ephedra, ginger, ginseng (American), kola and licorice. "@en . . . . . "Spirapril"@en . . . . "# Hannedouche T, Ikeni A, Marques LP, Natov S, Dechaux M, Schmitt F, Lacour B, Grunfeld JP: Renal effects of angiotensin II in normotensive subjects on short-term cilazapril treatment. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1992;19 Suppl 6:S25-7. \"Pubmed\":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1382161 # Noble S, Sorkin EM: Spirapril. A preliminary review of its pharmacology and therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of hypertension. Drugs. 1995 May;49(5):750-66. \"Pubmed\":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7601014 # Rosendorff C, Patton J, Radford HM, Kalliatakis B: Alpha-adrenergic and angiotensin II pressor sensitivity in hypertensive patients treated with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1992;19 Suppl 6:S105-9. \"Pubmed\":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1382157 # Shohat J, Wittenberg C, Erman A, Rosenfeld J, Boner G: Acute and chronic effects of spirapril, alone or in combination with isradipine on kidney function and blood pressure in patients with reduced kidney function and hypertension. Scand J Urol Nephrol. 1999 Feb;33(1):57-62. \"Pubmed\":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10100366 "@en . "Spirapril is an ACE inhibitor class drug used to treat hypertension."@en . "Spirapril"@en . . . "Humans and other mammals"@en . "Spirapril is an ACE inhibitor antihypertensive drug used to treat hypertension. Like many ACE inhibitors, this is a prodrug which is converted to the active metabolite spiraprilat following oral administration. ACE inhibitors are used primarily in treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure."@en . "Renormax"@en . "83647-97-6"@en . . . . . . . "Avoid alcohol."@en . . . . .