" "@en . . . "Chlorotrianisene binds to the estrogen receptor on various estrogen receptor bearing cells. Target cells include cells in the female reproductive tract, the mammary gland, the hypothalamus, and the pituitary. Estrogens increase the hepatic synthesis of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), thyroid-binding globulin (TBG), and other serum proteins and suppress follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior pituitary."@en . . . . . . "Used to treat symptoms of menopause, deficiencies in ovary function (including underdevelopment of female sexual characteristics and some types of infertility), and in rare cases, prostate cancer. Chlorotrianisene may also be used to prevent breast engorgement following childbirth."@en . "Chloortrianisestrol"@en . . "Chlorotrianizen"@en . . . . . . "569-57-3"@en . . "Absorption following oral administration is rapid."@en . . . . "Chlorotrianisenum"@en . "Humans and other mammals"@en . . . . . . "Chlorestrolo"@en . . . "Shelton, R.S. and Van Campen, M.G. Jr.; U S . Patent 2,430,891; November 18,1947; assigned to the Wm. S. Merrell Company."@en . . "Clorotrianiseno"@en . . . . . "Chlorotrianisine"@en . . "Chlortrianisen"@en . . . "Chlortrianisestrol"@en . "Acute overdosage of large doses of oral contraceptives in chidren reportedly produces almost no toxicity except nausea and vomiting. Acute overdosage of estrogens may cause nausea, and withdrawal bleeding may occur in females."@en . "A powerful synthetic, non-steroidal estrogen. [PubChem]"@en . . "Chlortrianisoestrolum"@en . . . "50-80%"@en . . "Chlortrianizen"@en . "withdrawn"@en . . . . . "Chlorotrianisene"@en . . .