. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "# Weintraub HS, Rudolph A: Combination Therapy for Managing Difficult-to-Treat Patients With Stage 2 Hypertension: Focus on Valsartan-Based Combinations. Am J Ther. 2010 Jun 9. \"Pubmed\":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20535014"@en . "10 minutes or less"@en . . . "Peptavlon"@en . . "Used as a diagnostic aid for evaluation of gastric acid secretory function"@en . . " "@en . . . . "approved"@en . . . . . "Rapidly absorbed after parenteral administration."@en . . . . . "Humans and other mammals"@en . . "The exact mechanism by which pentagastrin stimulates gastric acid, pepsin, and intrinsic factor secretion is unknown; however, since pentagastrin is an analogue of natural gastrin, it is believed that it excites the oxyntic cells of the stomach to secrete to their maximum capacity. Pentagastrin stimulates pancreatic secretion, especially when administered in large intramuscular doses. Pentagastrin also increases gastrointestinal motility by a direct effect on the intestinal smooth muscle. However, it delays gastric emptying time probably by stimulation of terminal antral contractions, which enhance retropulsion."@en . . . "Pentagastrin"@en . . . . "A synthetic pentapeptide that has effects like gastrin when given parenterally. It stimulates the secretion of gastric acid, pepsin, and intrinsic factor, and has been used as a diagnostic aid. [PubChem]"@en . . . . "5534-95-2"@en . .