. . "SID50111741"@en . . . "Humans and other mammals"@en . "Used for labor induction, augmentation of labor, postpartum abbreviation of third stage of labor, postpartum control of uterine bleeding, termination of pregnancy and for the evaluation of fetal respiratory capability. Oxytocin cannot be used for elective induction of labor, there must be a clear medical requirement. "@en . "Biliary and renal (excreted unchanged in the urine)"@en . . . . . . "Pitocin"@en . . " "@en . . . . . "30%"@en . . . . . . . . . "Oxytocin can produce a severe water intoxication due to its antidiuretic effect. Prolonged IV infusions of more 40milliunits/min are usually the cause. Severe water intoxication with convulsions, coma, and death can occur. Some neonatal seizures have also been reported. Consider potential for water intoxication, particularly when administered by IV infusion and patient is receiving oral fluids. Uterine effects: High doses or hypersensitivity to oxytocin may cause uterine hypertonicity, spasm, tetanic contraction, or rupture of the uterus. There have also been reported allergic and anaphylactic reactions to oxytocin but they were rarely fatal. "@en . . "Kerstin Uvnas-Moberg, Thomas Lundeberg, \"Use of substances having oxytocin activity for preparation of medicaments for wound healing.\" U.S. Patent US6262021, issued August, 1988."@en . . . . . "Uterine response after IV administration is immediate and subsides after 1 hour. Uterine contractions occur 3-5mins after IM administration and decreases within 2-3 hours. When 100-200milliunits is administered IV, contractions of the myoepithelial tissue surrounding the alveoli of the breasts occur within minutes and last for about 20 mins. "@en . . . . "50-56-6"@en . . . . . . . "Syntocinon"@en . . . . . . . . . "Synthetic 9 residue cyclic peptide. The hormone is prepared synthetically to avoid possible contamination with vasopressin (ADH) and other small polypeptides with biologic activity."@en . . . . . . . . . . "1-6 min, this is decreased in late pregnancy and during lactation."@en . . . "Oxytocin"@en . . . "SID29217903"@en . . . . "# Kosfeld M, Heinrichs M, Zak PJ, Fischbacher U, Fehr E: Oxytocin increases trust in humans. Nature. 2005 Jun 2;435(7042):673-6. \"Pubmed\":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15931222 # Takayanagi Y, Yoshida M, Bielsky IF, Ross HE, Kawamata M, Onaka T, Yanagisawa T, Kimura T, Matzuk MM, Young LJ, Nishimori K: Pervasive social deficits, but normal parturition, in oxytocin receptor-deficient mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Nov 1;102(44):16096-101. Epub 2005 Oct 25. \"Pubmed\":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16249339 # Carmichael MS, Humbert R, Dixen J, Palmisano G, Greenleaf W, Davidson JM: Plasma oxytocin increases in the human sexual response. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1987 Jan;64(1):27-31. \"Pubmed\":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3782434 # Paquin J, Danalache BA, Jankowski M, McCann SM, Gutkowska J: Oxytocin induces differentiation of P19 embryonic stem cells to cardiomyocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Jul 9;99(14):9550-5. Epub 2002 Jul 1. \"Pubmed\":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12093924 # Jankowski M, Danalache B, Wang D, Bhat P, Hajjar F, Marcinkiewicz M, Paquin J, McCann SM, Gutkowska J: Oxytocin in cardiac ontogeny. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Aug 31;101(35):13074-9. Epub 2004 Aug 17. \"Pubmed\":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15316117 # Oxytocin. In DynaMed [database online]. EBSCO Information Services. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=DynaMed&id=233015. Updated January 18, 2013. Accessed October 1, 2014. #Lexicomp. Oxytocin. N.p., 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2014."@en . . . "approved"@en . . "Uterine motility depends on the formation of the contractile protein actomyosin under the influence of the Ca2+-dependent phosphorylating enzyme myosin light-chain kinase. Oxytocin promotes contractions by increasing the intracellular Ca2+, which in turn activates myosin's light chain kinase.. Oxytocin has specific receptors in the muscle lining of the uterus and the receptor concentration increases greatly during pregnancy, reaching a maximum in early labor at term."@en . "Distributes throughout the extracellular fluid and crosses the placenta. It is probable that it also distributes into milk in small amounts. "@en . . . . . . . . . . . .