. "0"^^ . "0"^^ . . . . . "57"^^ . . "\u0160lecht\u011Bn\u00ED lesn\u00EDch d\u0159evin a z\u00E1chrana genov\u00FDch zdroj\u016F cenn\u00FDch a ohro\u017Een\u00FDch populac\u00ED v\u010Detn\u011B vyu\u017Eit\u00ED biotechnologick\u00FDch postup\u016F v lesn\u00EDm hospod\u00E1\u0159stv\u00ED" . . "Breeding programmes;biodiversity of forest ecosystems;analyses isozyme"@en . . "Podle schv\u00E1len\u00E9 metodiky \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED v\u00FDzkumn\u00E9ho z\u00E1m\u011Bru nebyly jednotliv\u00E9 okruhy odborn\u00FDch \u010Dinnost\u00ED rozd\u011Bleny do samostatn\u00FDch d\u00EDl\u010D\u00EDch \u00FAkol\u016F, ale v obdob\u00ED \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED v\u00FDzkumn\u00E9ho z\u00E1m\u011Bru byly pro ka\u017Ed\u00FD rok smluvn\u011B dohodnuty se zadavatelem specifikace odborn\u00FDch \u010Dinnost\u00ED, kter\u00E9 zahrnovaly problematiku dlouhodob\u00FDch \u0161lechtitelsk\u00FDch program\u016F pro jehli\u010Dnat\u00E9 a listnat\u00E9 d\u0159eviny, provenien\u010Dn\u00ED v\u00FDzkum, ov\u011B\u0159ov\u00E1n\u00ED vhodn\u00FDch druh\u016F, provenienc\u00ED a sm\u011Bs\u00ED introdukovan\u00FDch d\u0159evin, aktivity souvisej\u00EDc\u00ED se z\u00E1chranou populac\u00ED cenn\u00FDch a ohro\u017Een\u00FDch druh\u016F d\u0159evin a se zvy\u0161ov\u00E1n\u00EDm biodiverzity lesn\u00EDch ekosyst\u00E9m\u016F, s v\u00FDzkumem biotechnologick\u00FDch postup\u016F pro z\u00E1chranu biodiverzity, obnovu genov\u00FDch zdroj\u016F a \u0161lecht\u011Bn\u00ED lesn\u00EDch d\u0159evin, v\u010Detn\u011B problematiky souvisej\u00EDc\u00ED s v\u00FDvojem a vyu\u017Eit\u00EDm metod molekul\u00E1rn\u00ED biologie (izoenzymov\u00E9 anal\u00FDzy, anal\u00FDzy DNA)." . "According to approved methodology of research intention solution, there have not been divided individual areas of special activities into independent partial assignments. During solution of research intention, specifications of special activities have been agreed with submission head, yearly. These specifications included solution of problems connected with long-term breeding programs of both coniferous and broad-leaved tree species, provenance research, testing of suitable species, provenances and mixtures of introduced tree species, including activities connected with preservation and reproduction of valuable and threatened tree species and with increasing of forest ecosystems biodiversity, with research of biotechnological methodologies and their use for biodiversity preservation, renewal of gene sources, forest tree breeding, together with solution of problems connected with development and use of molecular biology methods (isozymes and DNA analyses)."@en . . . . . "57"^^ . . . "Byly zpracov\u00E1ny a realizov\u00E1ny \u0161lechtitelsk\u00E9 programy, zalo\u017Een archiv explant\u00E1t\u016F a p\u0159edlo\u017Eeny dal\u0161\u00ED v\u00FDsledky v\u00FDznamn\u011B dopl\u0148uj\u00EDc\u00ED st\u00E1vaj\u00EDc\u00ED \u00FArove\u0148 pozn\u00E1n\u00ED a zvy\u0161uj\u00EDc\u00ED \u00FArove\u0148 genetiky a \u0161lecht\u011Bn\u00ED lesn\u00EDch d\u0159evin v \u010CR a umo\u017E\u0148uj\u00EDc\u00ED jejich pln\u00E9 vyu\u017Eit\u00ED."@cs . . "Forest tree species breeding, preservation of valuable and threatened populations incl. using the biotechnological processes in forest management"@en . "1"^^ . "2004-06-09+02:00"^^ . .