. "Program Signalizace a molekul\u00E1rn\u00ED mechanismy bun\u011B\u010Dn\u00E9 odpov\u011Bdi byl realizov\u00E1na na Karlov\u011B Universit\u011B v Praze b\u011Bhem let 2007 - 2013. P\u0159es 40 doktorand\u016F obh\u00E1jilo PhD. V\u00FDsledky byly publikov\u00E1ny v v\u00EDce ne\u017E 250 publikac\u00EDch, zahrnuj\u00EDc\u00ED t\u00E9\u017E \u010Dasopisy Nature a Science. Jedn\u00EDm z hlavn\u00EDch v\u00FDsledk\u016F je objev signaliza\u010Dn\u00EDho mechanismu mezi kvasinkami, kter\u00E9 tvo\u0159\u00ED strukturovan\u00E9 kolonie (%22mikrobi\u00E1ln\u00ED m\u011Bsta%22)."@cs . "cell biology; regulation"@en . "Signaling and cellular response mechanisms"@en . "The proposed Research Plan focuses on cell biology, an area of research in which the participating laboratories of the Faculty of Science of Charles University have reached internationally recognized results. The subject of the RP is the examination and molecular characterization of regulatory processes that control cellular behavior. Its goal is to achieve detailed knowledge of such processes, which could be effectively used for the control and regulation of biomedically important interactions between cells and viruses, cells and pathogens or cells in the context of cell colonies and tissues. The specific aims of the Plan are pointed at the studies of : (a) the interaction of extracellular factors and signals with the cell membrane, (b) the cellular response at the level of gene expression , (c) the responses at the level of functional changes of intracellular organelles, and (d) the processes of cell aging and programmed cell death, immortalization and transformation."@en . "2007-01-01+01:00"^^ . . . . . . "The Program \u201CSignaling and molecular mechanisms of cellular response\u201D, was accomplished at the Charles University in Prague 2007-2013. Over 40 PhD students finished their studies. The results were published in ca 250 publications, including Science, Nature. Signaling mechanisms between yeast cells that form structured colonies (\u201Cmicrobial cities\u201D) is one of the major result."@en . "2013-01-25+01:00"^^ . . "2014-06-30+02:00"^^ . "1"^^ . . "Navrhovan\u00FD VZ je zam\u011B\u0159en do oblasti v\u00FDzkumu biologie bu\u0148ky, ve kter\u00E9 v\u00FDzkumn\u00E9 laborato\u0159e biologick\u00E9 sekce P\u0159\u00EDrodov\u011Bdeck\u00E9 fakulty UK dos\u00E1hly v minulosti v\u00FDznamn\u00FDch, mezin\u00E1rodn\u011B uzn\u00E1van\u00FDch v\u00FDsledk\u016F. Jeho c\u00EDlem bude pokro\u010Dit v pozn\u00E1n\u00ED mechanism\u016F, kter\u00FDmi bu\u0148ky odpov\u00EDdaj\u00ED na specifick\u00E9 vn\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED podn\u011Bty, jako jsou interakce s viry a patogenn\u00EDmi bu\u0148kami, \u010Di podn\u011Bty, kter\u00FDmi se navz\u00E1jem ovliv\u0148uj\u00ED v mnohobun\u011B\u010Dn\u00E9m kontextu bun\u011B\u010Dn\u00FDch koloni\u00ED, pletiv a tk\u00E1n\u00ED. Hlavn\u00EDm c\u00EDlem je pozn\u00E1n\u00ED takov\u00FDch molekul\u00E1rn\u00EDch proces\u016F, na jejich\u017E z\u00E1klad\u011B bude mo\u017Eno bun\u011B\u010Dnou odpov\u011B\u010F usm\u011Br\u0148ovat, s p\u0159ihl\u00E9dnut\u00EDm na biomedic\u00EDnsky v\u00FDznamn\u00E9 interakce. Tento obecn\u00FD c\u00EDl je rozpracov\u00E1n do \u010Dty\u0159 specifick\u00FDch oblast\u00ED: a) interakce vn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDch faktor\u016F s bun\u011B\u010Dnou membr\u00E1nou , (b) bun\u011B\u010Dn\u00E1 odpov\u011B\u010F na \u00FArovni regulace genov\u00E9 exprese, (c) projevy na \u00FArovni funk\u010Dn\u00EDch zm\u011Bn organel, (d) procesy st\u00E1rnut\u00ED a \u0159\u00EDzen\u00E9 bun\u011B\u010Dn\u00E9 smrti (PCD), imortalizace a bun\u011B\u010Dn\u00E9 transformace." . . "305"^^ . . . . . "0"^^ . . . . "0"^^ . "2013-12-31+01:00"^^ . "Signalizace a molekul\u00E1rn\u00ED mechanismy bun\u011B\u010Dn\u00E9 odpov\u011Bdi" . "305"^^ . . .