"The process of setting micronutrient recommendations: a cross-European comparison of nutrition-related scientific advisory bodies"@en . "13"^^ . "Shepherd, R." . "Brown, K." . "GB - Spojen\u00E9 kr\u00E1lovstv\u00ED Velk\u00E9 Brit\u00E1nie a Severn\u00EDho Irska" . "RIV/75010330:_____/11:00009157!RIV12-MZ0-75010330" . "Barnett, J." . "The process of setting micronutrient recommendations: a cross-European comparison of nutrition-related scientific advisory bodies" . "Timmer, A." . . . "14" . "[6F292FFB3F0F]" . "4" . "The process of setting micronutrient recommendations: a cross-European comparison of nutrition-related scientific advisory bodies"@en . "Koletzko, B." . "Public health nutrition" . "Sonne, A. M." . "Hermoso, M." . . "To examine the workings of the nutrition-related scientific advisory bodies in Europe, paying particular attention to the internal and external contexts within which they operate. Questionnaire-based data were collected across thirty-five European countries. The FA fortification case study was conducted in the UK, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic and Hungary. Even when there is consensus about the science behind micronutrient recommendations, there is a range of other influences that will affect decisions about the policy approaches to nutrition-related public health. This indicates the need to document the evidence that is drawn upon in the decisions about nutrition policy related to micronutrient intake."@en . . . "224152" . . "1"^^ . . "Fern\u00E1ndez-Celem\u00EDn, L." . . . "Raats, M. M." . . "Dhonukshe-Rutten, R. A." . "000288763400022" . "RIV/75010330:_____/11:00009157" . "To examine the workings of the nutrition-related scientific advisory bodies in Europe, paying particular attention to the internal and external contexts within which they operate. Questionnaire-based data were collected across thirty-five European countries. The FA fortification case study was conducted in the UK, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic and Hungary. Even when there is consensus about the science behind micronutrient recommendations, there is a range of other influences that will affect decisions about the policy approaches to nutrition-related public health. This indicates the need to document the evidence that is drawn upon in the decisions about nutrition policy related to micronutrient intake." . "Domolki, L." . "Timotijevic, L." . . "1368-9800" . . . "The process of setting micronutrient recommendations: a cross-European comparison of nutrition-related scientific advisory bodies" . "nutritional recommendations; micronutrients; European research"@en . "Frost-Andersen, L." . "14"^^ . . "Ruprich, Ji\u0159\u00ED" . "R" . .