. . . . . . . . . . "315316" . "Bli\u017E\u0148\u00E1k, Michal" . . "Fog-Framework - High performance 2d graphics with UI for C++"@en . . "FOG; 2D; accelerated; graphics; multithreading; SSE; optimizations; vector; SVG; C++; cross-platform"@en . . . "2"^^ . . "RIV/70883521:28140/09:63508295!RIV10-MSM-28140___" . "Fog-Framework is high performance 2d vector graphics library that comes with platform abstraction classes and platform independent GUI toolkit (really independent and embeddable). Fog is modern library that contains multithreaded architecture efficiently utilizing your CPU and resources. Currently Fog-Framework is first open-source library that can use multithreading to accelerate rendering of graphics scene or GUI components." . . . "Fog-Framework - High performance 2d graphics with UI for C++"@en . . "RD/FAI/UIUI/2009/FOG" . "Fog-Framework is high performance 2d vector graphics library that comes with platform abstraction classes and platform independent GUI toolkit (really independent and embeddable). Fog is modern library that contains multithreaded architecture efficiently utilizing your CPU and resources. Currently Fog-Framework is first open-source library that can use multithreading to accelerate rendering of graphics scene or GUI components."@en . "Modern\u00ED multiplatformn\u00ED 2D grafick\u00E1 knihovna vyu\u017E\u00EDvaj\u00EDc\u00ED multithreading a SSE pro vysoce optimalizovan\u00E9 vykreslov\u00E1n\u00ED 2D grafiky" . "1"^^ . . "[2723B6B1C2D8]" . . "Z(MSM7088352102)" . . "Fog-Framework - High performance 2d graphics with UI for C++" . "28140" . "Fog-Framework - High performance 2d graphics with UI for C++" . . "http://web.fai.utb.cz/?id=0_5_2&lang=cs&type=0" . "RIV/70883521:28140/09:63508295" . . . "Kobal\u00ED\u010Dek, Petr" . .