"Dramaturgia strihovej skladby, Horizont\u00E1lna a vertik\u00E1lna \u0161trukt\u00FAra filmov\u00E9ho pr\u00EDbehu" . "Dramaturgia strihovej skladby je vedenie pozornosti div\u00E1ka pomocou scen\u00E1ristick\u00FDch, re\u017Eijn\u00FDch, strihov\u00FDch, zvukov\u00FDch a in\u00FDch techn\u00EDk. V tejto knihe je dramaturgick\u00FD proces analyzovan\u00FD z r\u00F4znych v\u00FDkladov\u00FDch smerov ale hlavne z poh\u013Eadu strihovej skladby, ke\u010F\u017Ee autor strihovej skladby posudzuje nielen vlastn\u00FA pr\u00E1cu, ale aj pr\u00E1cu ostatn\u00FDch filmov\u00FDch profesi\u00ED. Vzh\u013Eadom na strihov\u00FA skladbu filmov\u00E9ho pr\u00EDbehu mus\u00ED vedie\u0165 pos\u00FAdi\u0165 scen\u00E1r, pr\u00E1cu kameramana, hereck\u00FD prejav, pr\u00E1cu skladate\u013Ea, vizu\u00E1lne efekty, pr\u00E1cu zvuk\u00E1ra, architekta a \u010Fal\u0161\u00EDch. Obsahom Dramaturgie strihovej skladby je predov\u0161etk\u00FDm odborn\u00FD poh\u013Ead na \u0161trukt\u00FAru filmu ako z\u00E1kladn\u00FA dramaturgick\u00FA veli\u010Dinu. Text vych\u00E1dza z mno\u017Estva citovanej literat\u00FAry a tlmo\u010D\u00ED my\u0161lienky uzn\u00E1van\u00FDch autorov, ale z\u00E1rove\u0148 prin\u00E1\u0161a ve\u013Ea jedine\u010Dn\u00FDch a origin\u00E1lnych poznatkov, ktor\u00E9 pod\u013Ea m\u00F4jho vedomia neboli doteraz nikdy v svetovej odbornej literat\u00FAre publikovan\u00E9. Jeden z pr\u00EDnosov tohto textu je poh\u013Ead na filmov\u00FD priestor z h\u013Eadiska horizont\u00E1lneho a vertik\u00E1lneho \u010Dlenenia. V knihe uveden\u00E1 hierarchia umo\u017E\u0148uje presnej\u0161ie a ucelenej\u0161ie pochopenie filmovej re\u010Di a zlep\u0161uje film\u00E1rovu schopnos\u0165 racion\u00E1lne pracova\u0165 s filmovou em\u00F3ciou. Cie\u013Eom knihy je definova\u0165 jej z\u00E1kladn\u00E9 princ\u00EDpy vz\u0165ahov a vytvori\u0165 t\u00FDm priestor na postupn\u00E9 dopl\u0148ovanie poznatkov." . "The Dramaturgy of Editing"@en . "Zl\u00EDn" . "1"^^ . "The Dramaturgy of editing is the study of how a film viewer\u2019s attention can be led using structure, characterization, scriptwriting, direction, sound and other techniques. This book analyzes the dramaturgical process from a number of different angles, since the film editor needs to make judgments not only within his own field of expertise, but also pertaining to the work of other film professionals. An editor must be able to assess screenplay, cinematography, performances, film music, visual effects, sound mixing, set design, and other aspects of film, all in relation to the film\u2019s dramaturgy. The Dramaturgy of Editing primarily focuses on film structure, which is the cornerstone of film dramaturgy. This book is rooted in contemporary film literature and it cites many established film theoreticians, but it also brings a number of unique insights which, to my knowledge, haven\u2019t yet been covered by books on this subject. One of this book\u2019s contributions is the analysis of film space in terms of horizontal and vertical division. This mode of analysis encourages a fuller and more accurate understanding of film language and improves a filmmaker\u2019s ability to rationally control a viewer\u2019s emotions. Despite all the space devoted to horizontal and vertical division in this book, I do not consider the subject exhaustively covered \u2013 the goal of this book is to outline the basic principles and to lay the groundwork for further study."@en . . "1"^^ . "218"^^ . . "[06D7FCC0E03D]" . . . "VeRBuM" . "Lab\u00EDk, \u013Dudov\u00EDt" . "Dramaturgia strihovej skladby, Horizont\u00E1lna a vertik\u00E1lna \u0161trukt\u00FAra filmov\u00E9ho pr\u00EDbehu" . "Dramaturgia strihovej skladby, Horizont\u00E1lna a vertik\u00E1lna \u0161trukt\u00FAra filmov\u00E9ho pr\u00EDbehu" . "978-80-87500-30-9" . "RIV/70883521:28130/13:43870226" . . "V" . "neuveden" . . "The Dramaturgy of Editing"@en . "28130" . "218"^^ . . . . . "Film, Dramaturgy, Editing"@en . . . . "RIV/70883521:28130/13:43870226!RIV14-MSM-28130___" . "70548" . . .