. . "\u010Ceskoslovensk\u00E1 spolo\u010Dnos\u0165 mikrobiologick\u00E1" . "[D6F43302A570]" . . "Bratislava" . "25. v\u00FDro\u010Dn\u00FD kongres \u010Deskoslovenskej spolo\u010Dnosti mikrobiologickej s medzin\u00E1rodnou \u00FA\u010Das\u0165ou" . . "Star\u00E1 Lesn\u00E1, Vysok\u00E9 Tatry" . "1"^^ . "Houser, Josef" . "Biodegradation of polyvinylalcohol under denitrifying condition"@en . "28110" . "3"^^ . "The study of polyvinylalcohol biodegradation under denitrifying condition was the main aim of our work. Denitrifying sludge from sewage treatment plant was used in bottle tests and polyvinylalcohol concentrations were monitored by both spectrophotometric method and determinations of diluted organic carbon. Our study showed successful biodegradation of polyvinylalcohol under mentioned conditions in denitrifying sludge. The polymer (100 mg/l) was degraded within two months in non-acclimated denitrifying sludge and during 10 days in acclimated denitrifying sludge. The rate of the biodegradation in non-acclimated sludge depended on concentration of nitrates; their higher initial concentration (1000 mg/l) accelerated the polyvinylalcohol biodegradation. Our results showed that the polymer may be destroyed in oxygen-limited environment when rich microbial community is present. This finding has great importance owing to polyvinylalcohol persistency in different environmental spheres."@en . . . "R\u016F\u017Ei\u010Dka, Jan" . . . "Biodegradation of polyvinylalcohol under denitrifying condition"@en . "3"^^ . "Maru\u0161incov\u00E1, Hana" . . "S" . "Polyvinylalcohol; denitrification; degradation; nitrates"@en . . "2010-01-01+01:00"^^ . . . . "248850" . "The study of polyvinylalcohol biodegradation under denitrifying condition was the main aim of our work. Denitrifying sludge from sewage treatment plant was used in bottle tests and polyvinylalcohol concentrations were monitored by both spectrophotometric method and determinations of diluted organic carbon. Our study showed successful biodegradation of polyvinylalcohol under mentioned conditions in denitrifying sludge. The polymer (100 mg/l) was degraded within two months in non-acclimated denitrifying sludge and during 10 days in acclimated denitrifying sludge. The rate of the biodegradation in non-acclimated sludge depended on concentration of nitrates; their higher initial concentration (1000 mg/l) accelerated the polyvinylalcohol biodegradation. Our results showed that the polymer may be destroyed in oxygen-limited environment when rich microbial community is present. This finding has great importance owing to polyvinylalcohol persistency in different environmental spheres." . . . "Biodegradation of polyvinylalcohol under denitrifying condition" . "970-80-970477-8-8" . . "RIV/70883521:28110/10:63509250" . "Biodegradation of polyvinylalcohol under denitrifying condition" . . "RIV/70883521:28110/10:63509250!RIV11-MSM-28110___" . .