"Multichannel coincidence unit MCU is designed as universal arbiter cooperationg with various radiation detectors, interfaces, instruments or facilities. Strictly digital design accepts logic signals (conversion from analog signal to logic signal is not part of the unit so it has to be provided externally). Signal shifting is supported for cable length compensation. Coincidence condition can be changed by user during operation. Time distance measurement for each channel is supported (TDC). Minimal time step/system clock is 5 ns. Up to 8 input channels can be used. Input signal can be inhibited by busy signal. The design is implemented in FPGA and the communication is possible through USB."@en . "http://www.utef.cvut.cz/en/index.php?&Ns=103&id=1000065" . "coinc_unit_1" . . . "Multichannel coincidence unit" . . . "Coincidence; Digital signals; TDC; FPGA; USB"@en . "RIV/68407700:21670/12:00203718" . "RIV/68407700:21670/12:00203718!RIV13-MSM-21670___" . . . . . . . "Ma\u0161ek, Petr" . "152311" . . . . . . . "1"^^ . . "[6A460757D356]" . "P(LM2011027)" . "1"^^ . . "Multichannel coincidence unit"@en . "Number of channels: 8; CMOSlogic levels; Time resolution: 5 ns; USB1.1; Single +5V power supply; The owner is CTU in Prague, I\u010C 68407700." . . "Multichannel coincidence unit"@en . "Multichannel coincidence unit" . "21670" . "Multichannel coincidence unit MCU is designed as universal arbiter cooperationg with various radiation detectors, interfaces, instruments or facilities. Strictly digital design accepts logic signals (conversion from analog signal to logic signal is not part of the unit so it has to be provided externally). Signal shifting is supported for cable length compensation. Coincidence condition can be changed by user during operation. Time distance measurement for each channel is supported (TDC). Minimal time step/system clock is 5 ns. Up to 8 input channels can be used. Input signal can be inhibited by busy signal. The design is implemented in FPGA and the communication is possible through USB." . . "estimated price 3 tis. K\u010D" . .