"Nen\u00ED k dispozici"@cs . . "RIV/68407700:21640/04:12098176" . "The aim of the project is to specify the influence of galvanic currents and a voltage on the oral tissues as well as on the whole organism of the patient where they take place. The side effects of the galvanism will be evaluated in groups of patients through the methods in vivo, on the base of saliva immunological examination and in vitro with the lymphocyte blastic transformation test using metal salts. In the experiment we try to test the influence of galvanic currents and voltage on the peripheral blood cells in vitro, gained as a %22buffy coat%22 from the transfusion department. The diagnostics and therapy of the galvanism effects in the oral cavity, incl. suggestion of its prevention, should be specified based on the comparisons of the effects of precisely defined currents and voltage values used at the study." . . "Nen\u00ED k dispozici"@cs . . "6"^^ . . "Nen\u00ED k dispozici"@cs . "Oral Electricity"@en . "The aim of the project is to specify the influence of galvanic currents and a voltage on the oral tissues as well as on the whole organism of the patient where they take place. The side effects of the galvanism will be evaluated in groups of patients through the methods in vivo, on the base of saliva immunological examination and in vitro with the lymphocyte blastic transformation test using metal salts. In the experiment we try to test the influence of galvanic currents and voltage on the peripheral blood cells in vitro, gained as a %22buffy coat%22 from the transfusion department. The diagnostics and therapy of the galvanism effects in the oral cavity, incl. suggestion of its prevention, should be specified based on the comparisons of the effects of precisely defined currents and voltage values used at the study."@en . . "Podzimek, \u0160." . . "80-01-02945-X" . "563074" . "The Equipment for Testing of the Influence of Galvanic Voltage and Currents on the Peripheral Blood Cells in Vitro"@en . "Praha" . "B\u00E1rtov\u00E1, J." . "Ku\u010Derov\u00E1, H." . "[95C74A6C59C6]" . . "H\u00E1na, Karel" . . . . "21640" . . "Proch\u00E1zkov\u00E1, J." . "The Equipment for Testing of the Influence of Galvanic Voltage and Currents on the Peripheral Blood Cells in Vitro" . . "The Equipment for Testing of the Influence of Galvanic Voltage and Currents on the Peripheral Blood Cells in Vitro" . "RIV/68407700:21640/04:12098176!RIV/2005/MZ0/216405/N" . . "neuvedeno" . "Pou\u0161ek, Lubom\u00EDr" . "The Equipment for Testing of the Influence of Galvanic Voltage and Currents on the Peripheral Blood Cells in Vitro"@en . "2"^^ . . "P(NK7722)" . .