. "20"^^ . "RIV/68407700:21610/14:00228601!RIV15-MSM-21610___" . "*Zpr\u00E1va p\u0159in\u00E1\u0161\u00ED v\u00FDsledky odborn\u00E9ho zkoum\u00E1n\u00ED stavu konstrukc\u00ED novostavby administrativn\u00ED budovy, sledov\u00E1ny a hodnoceny jsou negativn\u00ED vlivy na konstrukci a jejich d\u016Fsledky"@cs . "*Stanoven\u00ED p\u0159\u00ED\u010Din poruch podlahy v 3.PP v budov\u011B Kooperativa \u2013 Main Point Karl\u00EDn" . . . "*Stanoven\u00ED p\u0159\u00ED\u010Din poruch podlahy v 3.PP v budov\u011B Kooperativa \u2013 Main Point Karl\u00EDn"@cs . . "N" . . . "[6784ADA63BBD]" . "1"^^ . "*Determining the causes of failures in 3.PP floors in the building Kooperativa - Main Point Karl\u00EDn"@en . . "21610" . . "*Zpr\u00E1va p\u0159in\u00E1\u0161\u00ED v\u00FDsledky odborn\u00E9ho zkoum\u00E1n\u00ED stavu konstrukc\u00ED novostavby administrativn\u00ED budovy, sledov\u00E1ny a hodnoceny jsou negativn\u00ED vlivy na konstrukci a jejich d\u016Fsledky" . "*Stanoven\u00ED p\u0159\u00ED\u010Din poruch podlahy v 3.PP v budov\u011B Kooperativa \u2013 Main Point Karl\u00EDn" . . "1"^^ . . "RIV/68407700:21610/14:00228601" . "47156" . "*Stanoven\u00ED p\u0159\u00ED\u010Din poruch podlahy v 3.PP v budov\u011B Kooperativa \u2013 Main Point Karl\u00EDn"@cs . . . "failures; material properties; degradation"@en . "Kooperativa poji\u0161\u0165ovna a.s." . . "*The report presents results of the scientific investigation of the construction of new office buildings, monitored and evaluated as negative effects on the structure and their implications"@en . "\u0160im\u016Fnek, Ivo" . . "*Determining the causes of failures in 3.PP floors in the building Kooperativa - Main Point Karl\u00EDn"@en .