"http://stm.fce.vutbr.cz/ipw11_data/Proceedings_IPW11.pdf" . "[D186BA5825A1]" . "Ma\u0148as, P." . . . . "Proceedings of the 11th International Probabilistic Workshop" . "Holick\u00FD, Milan" . "Specification of the target reliability levels is one of the key issues of the assessment of existing structures in emergency situations. International standards ISO 13822 and ISO 2394 indicate procedures for specification of the target reliability levels by optimisation of the total cost. In the submitted study these approaches in conjunction with the human safety criteria are applied to estimate the target reliability levels of existing bridges considering an emergency situation. Obtained target reliabilities range in most cases from 2.0 up to 3.5 and are significantly lower than those applied in the design of new structures."@en . "94535" . . "21610" . . . . . . "2013-11-06+01:00"^^ . . . "S\u00FDkora, Miroslav" . "RIV/68407700:21610/13:00215256" . "Ing. Vladislav Pokorn\u00FD - LITERA" . . . "Optimum Target Reliability for Bridges Considering Emergency Situations" . . "P(GAP105/12/0589), P(VG20122015089)" . "emergency situation; failure consequences; human safety; optimization; target reliability"@en . "4"^^ . "RIV/68407700:21610/13:00215256!RIV14-MV0-21610___" . "2"^^ . . "Optimum Target Reliability for Bridges Considering Emergency Situations"@en . . "Lenner, R." . "12"^^ . "Brno" . . "Optimum Target Reliability for Bridges Considering Emergency Situations" . "Brno" . . . . "978-80-214-4800-1" . "Specification of the target reliability levels is one of the key issues of the assessment of existing structures in emergency situations. International standards ISO 13822 and ISO 2394 indicate procedures for specification of the target reliability levels by optimisation of the total cost. In the submitted study these approaches in conjunction with the human safety criteria are applied to estimate the target reliability levels of existing bridges considering an emergency situation. Obtained target reliabilities range in most cases from 2.0 up to 3.5 and are significantly lower than those applied in the design of new structures." . "Optimum Target Reliability for Bridges Considering Emergency Situations"@en . .