"RIV/68407700:21610/07:07139476" . "The Influence of Saltionic Concentration on Electro-Osmotic Flow" . . . "The Influence of Saltionic Concentration on Electro-Osmotic Flow" . . "2007-02-19+01:00"^^ . . "Proceedings of Workshop 2007" . . "Praha" . "Praha" . . . "Mejdr, Tade\u00E1\u0161" . . . "310;311" . . "P(GP103/06/P456)" . "21610" . "2"^^ . "applied voltage; current density; electro-osmotic flow; electrolyte; gradient of humidity"@en . "\u010Cesk\u00E9 vysok\u00E9 u\u010Den\u00ED technick\u00E9 v Praze" . . . . "The article describes the current state in area of research of electro-osmotic flow in building materials. In individual clauses is describe tests configuration, material base and evaluaton way." . . . "Bal\u00EDk, Luk\u00E1\u0161" . "Vliv koncentrace iont\u016F sol\u00ED v elektrolytu na elektroosmotick\u00FD tok"@cs . . "[111363E49C04]" . "The article describes the current state in area of research of electro-osmotic flow in building materials. In individual clauses is describe tests configuration, material base and evaluaton way."@en . "Vliv koncentrace iont\u016F sol\u00ED v elektrolytu na elektroosmotick\u00FD tok"@cs . "426377" . "\u010Cl\u00E1nek shrnuje v\u00FDsledky experimentu, p\u0159i n\u011Bm\u017E byl posuzov\u00E1n vliv koncentrace sol\u00ED v roztoku, kter\u00FDm byl zvlh\u010Den keramick\u00FD vzorek, na velikost elektroosmotick\u00E9ho toku."@cs . "2"^^ . "978-80-01-03667-9" . "2"^^ . . . "RIV/68407700:21610/07:07139476!RIV08-GA0-21610___" . . "The Influence of Saltionic Concentration on Electro-Osmotic Flow"@en . "The Influence of Saltionic Concentration on Electro-Osmotic Flow"@en .