"RIV/68407700:21450/14:00213592!RIV15-MSM-21450___" . . "public transport; tramway; urban design; spatial planning; pedestrian"@en . "RIV/68407700:21450/14:00213592" . . "\u017Delezn\u00FD, Richard" . "3"^^ . "10351" . "Mermet, S." . "V" . "\u0160m\u00EDda, J." . . . "21450" . . . "[93C260D72092]" . . . "Des amenagements pietons pour un acces plus attractif aux transports publics ? Une approche comparative franco-tcheque." . "Des amenagements pietons pour un acces plus attractif aux transports publics ? Une approche comparative franco-tcheque." . . . . . "Pedestrian Facilities for a More Attractive Public Transport Access? Comparative Approach between France and the Czech Republic."@en . . "Cette communication s'inscrit dans le champ des recherches portant sur la conception d'espaces urbains \u00E0 l'\u00E9chelle de quartier et adapt\u00E9s \u00E0 l'usage des transports collectifs, champ habituellement qualifi\u00E9 d'%22 urbanisme orient\u00E9 vers les transports collectifs %22. L'objectif est d'apporter une contribution \u00E0 l'\u00E9laboration d'une m\u00E9thodologie permettant d'appr\u00E9cier dans quelle mesure les am\u00E9nagements pr\u00E9sents sur un territoire sont conformes aux principes de l'urbanisme orient\u00E9 vers le tramway. Cette m\u00E9thodologie sera test\u00E9e selon une d\u00E9marche comparative sur des terrains d'\u00E9tudes en France et en R\u00E9publique tch\u00E8que, deux pays ayant connu chacun, au cours des derni\u00E8res d\u00E9cennies, une \u00E9volution tr\u00E8s diff\u00E9rente du point de vue du r\u00F4le des transports collectifs et de la r\u00E9partition modale dans la mobilit\u00E9 des personnes. LesNotre travail de recherche mobilise diff\u00E9rents outils et m\u00E9thodes issus des domaines de l'urbanisme et de l'am\u00E9nagement, de l'ing\u00E9nierie du transport, de la g\u00E9oinformatique et de la cartographie. Les r\u00E9sultats obtenus (essentiellement sous forme de cartes) feront l'objet d'une analyse fine et d'une interpr\u00E9tation, celle-ci proposant un potentiel de lien direct avec l'aspect du quotidien dans la probl\u00E9matique de l'acc\u00E8s des personnes \u00E0 leurs transports publics." . . . "This communication belongs to the field of research on the urban design on a neighborhood scale and adapted to the use of public transport, field usually called as %22public transport-oriented development%22. The aim is to contribute to the development of a methodology which allows to assess the extent to which the facilities comply with the principles of tramway-oriented planning are present on a territory. This methodology will be tested in a comparative approach on land studies in France and the Czech Republic, two countries which have experienced, during the last decades, a very different trend from the point of view of the public transport role as well as modal split evolution in the person's global mobility. Our research mobilizes different tools and methods from the fields of urban planning and development, transportation engineering, geoinformatics and cartography. The results obtained (mainly in the form of cards) will be subject to a detailed analysis and interpretation, the latter offering a potential direct link with the appearance of the daily-use in the issue of access for people to their public transport."@en . . "Pedestrian Facilities for a More Attractive Public Transport Access? Comparative Approach between France and the Czech Republic."@en . "1"^^ .