. "1730-3613" . . "Use of natural materials could be one of the ways to achieve buildings with relatively low primary energy consumption and a minimal environmental impact. At the same time, natural materials naturally reflect the process of aging, and the factor of time forms another quality of the architectonic space. A renaissance of natural materials in architecture is one of the paths of moving from a de-materialized architecture without meaning towards a multi-sensual experience of the architectonic space."@en . . "Autoportret" . "RIV/68407700:21450/13:00216356!RIV14-MSM-21450___" . . "21450" . "43" . . "natural materials; sustainability; multi-sensual experience"@en . . . . "[2C7D6EA222E1]" . "Natural Materials - History or Hope?"@en . . . . "Naturalne materialy - Historia czy nadzieja?" . "1"^^ . . "90856" . . "1"^^ . "Naturalne materialy - Historia czy nadzieja?" . "8"^^ . . "http://www.slideshare.net/mik_krakow/dalibor-hlavacek-naturalne-materiay-historia-czy-nadzieja" . "Renesans naturalnych materialow w architekturze jest jedna z tych sciezek, ktorymi mozna odejsc od zmaterializowanej architektury pozbawionej znaczenia ku wielozmyslowemu doswiadczaniu architektonicznej prsestreni." . "3" . "Hlav\u00E1\u010Dek, Dalibor" . "S" . "PL - Polsk\u00E1 republika" . "Natural Materials - History or Hope?"@en . . "RIV/68407700:21450/13:00216356" .