"Tramway Oriented Planning: Elements of Appreciation Method, Comparative Approach between France and the Czech Republic."@en . . "RIV/68407700:21450/13:00213536!RIV14-MSM-21450___" . "[0A053B1985E9]" . . "Urbanisme oriente vers le tramway : elements de methode d\u00B4appreciation, une approche comparative franco-tcheque." . "S\u2019inscrivant dans le domaine de %22 l\u2019urbanisme orient\u00E9 vers le transport collectif (TC) %22, l\u2019objet de la communication est de contribuer \u00E0 des recherches portant sur les strat\u00E9gies d\u2019un am\u00E9nagement urbain et d\u2019un usage du sol appropri\u00E9s autour des stations du TC. A part les variables plus %22 g\u00E9n\u00E9ralis\u00E9es %22 dans des analyses existantes, telle densit\u00E9 et mixit\u00E9 fonctionnelle urbaines, notre travail s\u2019int\u00E9resse plus particuli\u00E8rement \u00E0 approfondir, ainsi qu\u2019\u00E0 formaliser, des recherches sur l\u2019accessibilit\u00E9 pi\u00E9tonne aux stations du TC \u00E0 l\u2019\u00E9chelle de quartier. Ainsi, sont d\u00E9velopp\u00E9es et \u00E9valu\u00E9es diff\u00E9rentes caract\u00E9ristiques de l\u2019accessibilit\u00E9 pi\u00E9tonne, et ce, \u00E0 la fois quant \u00E0 la distance/temps de parcours, \u00E0 la s\u00E9curit\u00E9 routi\u00E8re et, \u00E0 la lisibilit\u00E9 et la simplicit\u00E9 des itin\u00E9raires notamment. Une approche comparative entre la France et la R\u00E9publique tch\u00E8que est men\u00E9e \u00E0 travers plusieurs terrains dans les deux pays, chacun ayant connu une \u00E9volution nettement diff\u00E9rente de la r\u00E9partition modale dans les derni\u00E8res d\u00E9cennies. Tr\u00E8s important lors de l\u2019ancienne \u00E9poque de l\u2019\u00E9conomie planifi\u00E9e, le r\u00F4le du TC en R\u00E9publique tch\u00E8que est aujourd\u2019hui en chute libre en cons\u00E9quence de la transition \u00E9conomique. En France, en revanche, la voiture particuli\u00E8re, tr\u00E8s souvent dominante, est aujourd\u2019hui r\u00E9\u00E9valu\u00E9e par diff\u00E9rentes politiques promouvant le TC, caract\u00E9ris\u00E9es par le %22 boom %22 du tramway dans la plupart des villes. L\u2019objectif in fine sera alors d\u2019identifier les %22 bonnes pratiques %22 en mati\u00E8re d\u2019am\u00E9nagement et d\u2019urbanisme autour des stations du TC dans les deux pays." . . . . "As part of the field of %22public transport-oriented urban planning%22 the purpose of the communication is to contribute to research on strategies for an appropriate urban planning and land use around public transport stations. Besides the variables more %22generalized%22 in existing analyzes, such as urban density and functional diversity, our work is particularly interested to deepen and to formalize research on pedestrian accessibility to public transport stations on a neighborhood scale. Various features of the pedestrian accessibility are developed and evaluated, both on the distance/travel time, road safety, legibility and simplicity of such routes. A comparative approach between France and the Czech Republic is conducted through several fields in both countries, each of which had a distinctly different evolution of the modal split in recent decades. Very important in the early period of the planned economy, the role of the public transport in the Czech Republic is now in free fall as a result of the economic transition. In France, however, the private car, often dominant, is now reassessed by different policies promoting the public transport, characterized by the %22boom%22 of the tram in most cities. The final objective will be to identify some %22best practices%22 in the field of urban planning and development around public transport stations in both countries."@en . "1"^^ . . "112837" . . "RIV/68407700:21450/13:00213536" . . . "public transport; tramway; urban design; spatial planning; pedestrian"@en . . . "21450" . "Tramway Oriented Planning: Elements of Appreciation Method, Comparative Approach between France and the Czech Republic."@en . "\u017Delezn\u00FD, Richard" . . "Urbanisme oriente vers le tramway : elements de methode d\u00B4appreciation, une approche comparative franco-tcheque." . . . "1"^^ . "V" . . . .