. "Lausanne" . . "Ultratenk\u00E1 f\u00F3lie oza\u0159ovan\u00E1 laserov\u00FDm pulsem s kruhovou polarizac\u00ED jako efektivn\u00ED zdroj quasi-monoenergetick\u00FDch iont\u016F"@cs . . "circular polarization; ion acceleration; monoenergetic ion beam"@en . . . . . . . "2008-06-09+02:00"^^ . . . "4"^^ . "Ultrathin foil irradiated by circularly polarized laser pulse as an efficient source of quasi-monoenergetic ions"@en . . "35th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and 10th International Workshop on Fast Ignition of Fusion Targets, June 9 - 13, 2008, Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vol. 32D (2008)" . "P\u0161ikal, Jan" . "2-914771-52-5" . "RIV/68407700:21340/08:04150561!RIV09-MSM-21340___" . "Collimated beams of energetic ions accelerated from thin foil targets by short laser pulses are interesting for various applications, e.g. radiography, isotope production, isochoric heating. As most applications require a narrow energy spectrum of ions, it is desirable to produce quasi-monoenergetic ion beams efficiently. In this paper, a fairly efficient mechanism capable of producing monoenergetic bunches of ions of varies species is presented and studied using one- and two-dimensional particle simulations."@en . "Ultratenk\u00E1 f\u00F3lie oza\u0159ovan\u00E1 laserov\u00FDm pulsem s kruhovou polarizac\u00ED jako efektivn\u00ED zdroj quasi-monoenergetick\u00FDch iont\u016F"@cs . "Kolimovan\u00E9 svazky energetick\u00FDch iont\u016F urychlen\u00FDch z tenk\u00FDch f\u00F3li\u00ED kr\u00E1tk\u00FDm laserov\u00FDm pulsem jsou zaj\u00EDmav\u00E9 z hlediska r\u016Fzn\u00FDch aplikac\u00ED. Proto\u017Ee mnoho z t\u011Bchto aplikac\u00ED vy\u017Eaduje uzk\u00E9 energetick\u00E9 spektrum urychlen\u00FDch iont\u016F, je d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00E9 moci efektivn\u011B quasi-monoenergetick\u00E9 svazky iont\u016F urychlovat. V tomto \u010Dl\u00E1nku je prezentov\u00E1n mechanismus, kter\u00FD umo\u017E\u0148uje urychlov\u00E1n\u00ED takov\u00FDch svazk\u016F iont\u016F r\u016Fzn\u00E9ho druhu a tento mechanismus je studov\u00E1n pomoc\u00ED jedno- a dvou-dimenzion\u00E1ln\u00EDch \u010D\u00E1sticov\u00FDch simulac\u00ED."@cs . . . "European Physical Society" . "Collimated beams of energetic ions accelerated from thin foil targets by short laser pulses are interesting for various applications, e.g. radiography, isotope production, isochoric heating. As most applications require a narrow energy spectrum of ions, it is desirable to produce quasi-monoenergetic ion beams efficiently. In this paper, a fairly efficient mechanism capable of producing monoenergetic bunches of ions of varies species is presented and studied using one- and two-dimensional particle simulations." . . "Ultrathin foil irradiated by circularly polarized laser pulse as an efficient source of quasi-monoenergetic ions" . "[64E32B43196A]" . "Klimo, Ond\u0159ej" . "Ultrathin foil irradiated by circularly polarized laser pulse as an efficient source of quasi-monoenergetic ions" . "P(GA202/06/0801), P(LC528)" . "Ultrathin foil irradiated by circularly polarized laser pulse as an efficient source of quasi-monoenergetic ions"@en . "4"^^ . "21340" . "Hersonissos" . . . . "Tikhonchuk, V. T." . "401327" . "Limpouch, Ji\u0159\u00ED" . "RIV/68407700:21340/08:04150561" . "3"^^ . .