"818 ; 821" . "4"^^ . "Acta Metallurgica Slovaca" . "carbides; fractography; mechanical properties; metallography; nickel superalloys"@en . "3"^^ . . "SK - Slovensk\u00E1 republika" . "Properties of NiCrW Alloys during Long-Run High-Temperature Annealing"@en . "2"^^ . "Vlastnosti slitin na b\u00E1zi NiCrW v pr\u016Fb\u011Bhu dlouhodob\u00E9ho \u017E\u00EDh\u00E1n\u00ED za vysok\u00FDch teplot"@cs . "RIV/68407700:21340/04:04106062" . "Properties of NiCrW Alloys during Long-Run High-Temperature Annealing" . "Slitiny na b\u00E1zi NiCrW jsou niklov\u00E9 superslitiny zpevn\u011Bn\u00E9 kostrou prim\u00E1rn\u00EDch karbid\u016F. V p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvku je na z\u00E1klad\u011B v\u00FDsledk\u016F metalografick\u00E9ho a fraktografick\u00E9ho rozboru pops\u00E1n vliv strukturn\u00EDch parametr\u016F na mechanick\u00E9 vlastnosti sledovan\u00E9 slitiny 1411."@cs . "RIV/68407700:21340/04:04106062!RIV/2005/MSM/213405/N" . . . "Siegl, Jan" . . . "582767" . . "21340" . . . "NiCrW alloys are nickel super alloys strengthened by skeleton of of primary carbides. Presented paper deals with metallography and fractography of specimens of the alloy 1411 in order to explore the influence of the structure on mechanical properties." . "[EAE49B2A8477]" . "Vlastnosti slitin na b\u00E1zi NiCrW v pr\u016Fb\u011Bhu dlouhodob\u00E9ho \u017E\u00EDh\u00E1n\u00ED za vysok\u00FDch teplot"@cs . "10" . "Properties of NiCrW Alloys during Long-Run High-Temperature Annealing"@en . . "1335-1532" . . "NiCrW alloys are nickel super alloys strengthened by skeleton of of primary carbides. Presented paper deals with metallography and fractography of specimens of the alloy 1411 in order to explore the influence of the structure on mechanical properties."@en . "Properties of NiCrW Alloys during Long-Run High-Temperature Annealing" . . . . . . "Z(MSM 210000021)" . "Podhorn\u00E1, B." . "10" . . "Z\u00FDka, Ji\u0159\u00ED" . . .