"978-80-86530-92-5" . "RIV/68407700:21260/14:00218295!RIV15-MSM-21260___" . "2"^^ . "I" . . . . "Bezpe\u010Dnost a doprava" . . . . "Institut Jana Pernera" . . . "Jednou z dole\u017Eit\u00FDch ot\u00E1zok preberan\u00FDch v letectve na za\u010Diatku 21. storo\u010Dia je bezpe\u010Dnos\u0165 v leteckej doprave. Napriek faktu, \u017Ee leteck\u00E1 doprava patr\u00ED z hladiska nehodovosti medzi najbezpe\u010Dnej\u0161ie druhy dopr\u00E1v, mieru jej nehodovosti sa u\u017E nieko\u013Eko rokov nepodarilo v\u00FDrazne zn\u00ED\u017Ei\u0165. Na zvy\u0161ovanie bezpe\u010Dnosti sa v s\u00FA\u010Dasnosti z\u00FA\u010Dast\u0148uje mno\u017Estvo subjektov. Rie\u0161enia sa naj\u010Dastej\u0161ie t\u00FDkaj\u00FA rozli\u010Dn\u00FDch oblast\u00ED: vy\u0161etrovanie leteck\u00FDch nehod, zvy\u0161ovanie n\u00E1rokov na leteck\u00FD person\u00E1l, v\u00FDcvik leteck\u00E9ho person\u00E1lu s cie\u013Eom zvy\u0161ovania alebo udr\u017Eiavania jeho kvality, alebo zmien v leteck\u00FDch z\u00E1konoch a smerniciach. Podrobn\u00E9 rozbory leteck\u00FDch nehod jasne ukazuj\u00FA, \u017Ee ich naj\u010Dastej\u0161ou a najz\u00E1va\u017Enej\u0161ou pr\u00ED\u010Dinou je \u013Eudsk\u00FD faktor. \u013Dudsk\u00FD faktor je z\u00E1rove\u0148 najzlo\u017Eitej\u0161\u00EDm faktorom z h\u013Eadiska navrhovania rie\u0161en\u00ED, a to pr\u00E1ve pre zlo\u017Eitost osobnosti ka\u017Ed\u00E9ho jednotlivca." . "\u013Dudsk\u00FD \u010Dinite\u013E ako v\u00FDznamn\u00FD faktor bezpe\u010Dnosti v leteckej doprave" . "The human factor as an important factor in aviation safety"@en . "Aviation safety is one of the important issues discussed in the aviation of the 21st century. Despite the fact that air traffic belongs, in term of accidents, among the safest kinds of transportation, significantly reduction of its accident margin has not been succesfully achieved for years. Currently many subjects are participating in increasing air traffic safety. Results are mostly related to different sections. investigation of accidents, increasing aviation personel requirements, aviation personel training with the view of increasing or keeping its quality, or changes in aviation laws and instructions. Detailed analyses of accidents obviously show human factor as the most substantial cause to them. At the same time, human factor is the most complicated one, in term designing solutions, just because of the self-complexity of every individual."@en . . . . "5"^^ . "26737" . "2014-02-14+01:00"^^ . . "[31DC2AF437C1]" . . "21260" . "RIV/68407700:21260/14:00218295" . "Air Transport; Aviation Safety; Human factors in aviation; the SHELL model"@en . "The human factor as an important factor in aviation safety"@en . "\u013Dudsk\u00FD \u010Dinite\u013E ako v\u00FDznamn\u00FD faktor bezpe\u010Dnosti v leteckej doprave" . . "Endrizalov\u00E1, Eva" . . "Hradec Kr\u00E1lov\u00E9" . . "Poprenda, J." . "1"^^ . "Pardubice" .