"5" . . . . "P(7E11072)" . "RIV/68407700:21260/13:00216621!RIV14-MSM-21260___" . "Modern human being depends on the good work of life-giving infrastructures and supply chains. To ensure the safety of such critical infrastructures and the supply chains it is necessary to determine, introduce and keep appropriate level of protection and countermeasures against real risks. Based on the concept of safe community there are followed couplings created in the human system by live-giving infrastructures and supply chains. The assessment of harms caused by their failures and level of management of these failures reveals open problems in followed domains and these were used for formulation of requirements for future research."@en . . . "21260" . . "Otkrytye Problemy Zashhity Infrastruktur" . "Security; Safety; Live-Giving Infrastructures; Critical Supply Chains; Failure"@en . . "[50A6D2E46F76]" . "UA - Ukrajina" . . "Open Problems in Protection of Life-Giving Infrastructures and Supply Chains"@en . . "Open Problems in Protection of Life-Giving Infrastructures and Supply Chains"@en . . . "Proch\u00E1zkov\u00E1, Danu\u0161e" . "Radio-electronic and computer systems" . "94855" . "Otkrytye Problemy Zashhity Infrastruktur" . . "1814-4225" . "1"^^ . . "Sushhestvovanie sovremennogo cheloveka zavisit ot nadezhnejj raboty infrastruktur podderzhki zhizne-obespechenija i cepochek postavok. Dlja obespechenija bezopasnosti takikh kriticheskikh infrastruktur i cepochek postavok vazhno opredelit i podderzhivat podkhodjashhijj uroven zashhity i kontrmer protiv realnykh riskov. Osnovyvajas na koncepcii bezopasnogo obshhestva, v chelovecheskojj sisteme sozdany soedinenija, kotorye obedinjajut infrastruktury podderzhki zhizneobespechenija i cepochki postavok. Ocenka vreda, vyzvannogo sbojami, i uroven upravlenija ehtimi sbojami vyjavljaet opredelennye problemy v issleduemykh sferakh, kotorye oni byli ispolzovany dlja formulirovanija trebovanijj k budushhim issledovanijam." . . . . . "1"^^ . . "2013" . "RIV/68407700:21260/13:00216621" . "11"^^ .