"2013-10-24+02:00"^^ . "P(TA01011105)" . "3"^^ . . "978-80-86742-37-3" . "BER measurements; four-wave mixing; nonlinear fibers; optical packet switching"@en . . "Analyses of Optical Packet Switch Based on Enhanced Nonlinearity Fibers"@en . "3"^^ . "This paper presents final results from an optical packet switch developed in a joint project of CTU in Prague, SQS Fiber optics, Czech Republic and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Conventional highly nonlinear fibers were theoretically and experimentally evaluated and confronted with novel extremely nonlinear soft-glass nonlinear fibers and microstructured fibers developed in the framework of the project. Fiber characterization was carried out with respect to nonlinearity, attenuation and stimulated Brillouin scattering threshold limitations. Nonlinear switching technique based on four-wave mixing was evaluated with respect to switching parameters such as modulation format insensitivity, polarization insensitivity and conversion efficiency. BER tests were performed at 10Gbps, verifying optical packet switch functionality with further simulations for advanced modulation formats." . . "RIV/68407700:21230/13:00208689!RIV14-TA0-21230___" . "RIV/68407700:21230/13:00208689" . . "Praha 10" . "Analyses of Optical Packet Switch Based on Enhanced Nonlinearity Fibers" . "60439" . . "[A1C4A6973973]" . . . . . . . "\u0160koda, Pavel" . "Praha" . . . . . "Analyses of Optical Packet Switch Based on Enhanced Nonlinearity Fibers"@en . "Analyses of Optical Packet Switch Based on Enhanced Nonlinearity Fibers" . . . "24th Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communications 2013 Proceedings" . "Zeithamlov\u00E1 Milena Ing. - Agentura Action M" . "This paper presents final results from an optical packet switch developed in a joint project of CTU in Prague, SQS Fiber optics, Czech Republic and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Conventional highly nonlinear fibers were theoretically and experimentally evaluated and confronted with novel extremely nonlinear soft-glass nonlinear fibers and microstructured fibers developed in the framework of the project. Fiber characterization was carried out with respect to nonlinearity, attenuation and stimulated Brillouin scattering threshold limitations. Nonlinear switching technique based on four-wave mixing was evaluated with respect to switching parameters such as modulation format insensitivity, polarization insensitivity and conversion efficiency. BER tests were performed at 10Gbps, verifying optical packet switch functionality with further simulations for advanced modulation formats."@en . "Zv\u00E1novec, Stanislav" . . "4"^^ . . "Komanec, Mat\u011Bj" . "21230" . .