"[E21C8040DEE4]" . "P(GAP103/12/1994)" . "Project scheduling with alternative process plans under different constraints and criteria" . "Project scheduling with alternative process plans under different constraints and criteria"@en . "Hanz\u00E1lek, Zden\u011Bk" . . "RIV/68407700:21230/12:00199498!RIV13-GA0-21230___" . . "The research is dedicated to the project scheduling with alternative process plans, where the goal is not only to create a time schedule but also to establish a subset of all activities that will be performed. The problem is defined using alternative process plans, differing in the activities specification, precedence relations, resource requirements etc. We focus on the model of the problem and then we aim three problems in more detail. Each problem has a specific set of constraints and objective function, therefore also the solution methodology is unique for each of problems."@en . "Project scheduling with alternative process plans under different constraints and criteria" . . . . "Project scheduling with alternative process plans under different constraints and criteria"@en . . . "162697" . . "The research is dedicated to the project scheduling with alternative process plans, where the goal is not only to create a time schedule but also to establish a subset of all activities that will be performed. The problem is defined using alternative process plans, differing in the activities specification, precedence relations, resource requirements etc. We focus on the model of the problem and then we aim three problems in more detail. Each problem has a specific set of constraints and objective function, therefore also the solution methodology is unique for each of problems." . . "2"^^ . . "http://ess.fernuni-hagen.de/fileadmin/ess/uploads/Einladung_Oberseminar_Capek.pdf" . . . . . . "RIV/68407700:21230/12:00199498" . "\u010Capek, Roman" . "project scheduling; alternatives; heuristic"@en . . "21230" . . "2"^^ .