"Measurement of Spontaneous Ultra-Weak Photon Emission Froma Human Body: Spontaneous Ultra-Weak Photon Emission Varies Diurnally"@en . "Wijk, R." . . "M\u011B\u0159en\u00ED spont\u00E1nn\u00ED ultra slab\u00E9 emise fotonu z lidsk\u00E9ho t\u011Bla: Spont\u00E1nn\u00ED emise fotonu se po\u010Das dne m\u011Bn\u00ED"@cs . "Measurement of Spontaneous Ultra-Weak Photon Emission Froma Human Body: Spontaneous Ultra-Weak Photon Emission Varies Diurnally"@en . "Cifra, Michal" . . "Wijk, E." . "5"^^ . "\u00DAstav merania SAV" . . . . . "[3AA6ECC8005E]" . "978-80-969672-0-9" . "Bratislava" . . "Smolenice" . . "4"^^ . "421;424" . "S" . "Measurement of Spontaneous Ultra-Weak Photon Emission Froma Human Body: Spontaneous Ultra-Weak Photon Emission Varies Diurnally" . "Spontaneous ultra-weak photon emission in the visible range was measured on palm and dorsal side of left and right hand by means of a low noise photomultiplier system. To study the dynamics of this photon emission in a 24h period photon emission was recorded in 2h intervals in 5 experiments, utilizing strict protocols for dark adaptation and recording of subjects. Mean photon emission over the 24h period differed both between subjects and hand locations. To detect a pattern in the fluctuations the mean value for each location of each subject in each experiment was utilized to calculate fluctuations during the course of 24h for each anatomical location. The fluctuations in photon emission in the course of 24h were more at dorsal sides than palm sides. Photon emission at the left dorsal location was high at night, while the right dorsal side emitted most during the day. Daily rhytm in photon emission can be recorded from both the dorsal and palm sides of the hands."@en . . "biophoton; biophotonics; hand dorsum; palm; ultra-weak photon emission"@en . "2007-05-20+02:00"^^ . "RIV/68407700:21230/07:03131189" . . "21230" . "Spontanni utra-slaba emise fotonu ve viditelne oblasti byla zmerena na dlani a dorzalni strane leve a prave ruky pomoci nizko sumoveho fotonasobice. K studiu dynamiky teto emise fotonu v prubehu 24 hodin, emise fotonu byla merena v intervalech 2 hodin v 5 experimentech s vyuzitim prisneho protokolu adaptaci v tme a mereni subjektu. Prumerna intenzita emise fotonu v rozsahu 24 hodin se lisila jak mezi subjekty tak i mezi merenymi lokacemi. K detekci typickeho profilu intenzity emise, prumerna hodnota z jednotlivych lokaci a subjektu v kazdem mereni byla vyuzita na spocitani fluktuaci emise v prubehu 24 hodin pro kazdou lokaci.Fluktuace inetzity emise fotonu v prubehu 24 byly vyssi na dorzalni stranach ruk nez na dlanich. Emise fotonu na levy dorzalni strane byla vyssi v noci, na pravy dorzalni strane byla emise vyssi pocas dne. Denni rytmus emise fotonu se da zmerit z dorzalni strany i dlane obou ruk."@cs . "432500" . "Proceedings Measurement 2007" . . "M\u011B\u0159en\u00ED spont\u00E1nn\u00ED ultra slab\u00E9 emise fotonu z lidsk\u00E9ho t\u011Bla: Spont\u00E1nn\u00ED emise fotonu se po\u010Das dne m\u011Bn\u00ED"@cs . "Koch, H." . . "RIV/68407700:21230/07:03131189!RIV08-MSM-21230___" . "Measurement of Spontaneous Ultra-Weak Photon Emission Froma Human Body: Spontaneous Ultra-Weak Photon Emission Varies Diurnally" . . . "Bosman, S." . . "1"^^ . "Spontaneous ultra-weak photon emission in the visible range was measured on palm and dorsal side of left and right hand by means of a low noise photomultiplier system. To study the dynamics of this photon emission in a 24h period photon emission was recorded in 2h intervals in 5 experiments, utilizing strict protocols for dark adaptation and recording of subjects. Mean photon emission over the 24h period differed both between subjects and hand locations. To detect a pattern in the fluctuations the mean value for each location of each subject in each experiment was utilized to calculate fluctuations during the course of 24h for each anatomical location. The fluctuations in photon emission in the course of 24h were more at dorsal sides than palm sides. Photon emission at the left dorsal location was high at night, while the right dorsal side emitted most during the day. Daily rhytm in photon emission can be recorded from both the dorsal and palm sides of the hands." . . .