"RIV/68407700:21230/06:03121495" . . "Humusoft" . . . "Human Cochlear Model: A Simulink Implementation"@en . "Models of human auditory pathway are commonly used as a part of audio coding systems or algorithms for objective evaluation of sound quality. In order to simulate properly the nonlinear, signal-dependent behavior of the cochlea, physiologically accurate models are being developed. In the paper, a SIMULINK implementation of a hardware active nonlinear model of human cochlea is presented. The model was designed to reproduce satisfactorily the masking properties, frequency selectivity and sensitivity of human inner ear."@en . . "2006-10-26+02:00"^^ . . "1"^^ . "Not available"@en . "RIV/68407700:21230/06:03121495!RIV07-GA0-21230___" . "Bure1, Zbyn\u011Bk" . "Human Cochlear Model: A Simulink Implementation" . "Models of human auditory pathway are commonly used as a part of audio coding systems or algorithms for objective evaluation of sound quality. In order to simulate properly the nonlinear, signal-dependent behavior of the cochlea, physiologically accurate models are being developed. In the paper, a SIMULINK implementation of a hardware active nonlinear model of human cochlea is presented. The model was designed to reproduce satisfactorily the masking properties, frequency selectivity and sensitivity of human inner ear." . "Model lidsk\u00E9 kochley: implementace v Simulinku"@cs . "1"^^ . "80-7080-616-8" . "Model lidsk\u00E9 kochley: implementace v Simulinku"@cs . . "[63950D92E9EA]" . "1 ; 8" . . . . "478396" . . "Technical Computing Prague 2006 - Sborn\u00EDk po\u00EDspivku 14. roen\u00EDku konference" . . "Human Cochlear Model: A Simulink Implementation"@en . "Human Cochlear Model: A Simulink Implementation" . . "Praha" . "Praha" . "8"^^ . . "P(GA102/05/2054)" . . "21230" . "Modely lidsk\u00E9 sluchov\u00E9 dr\u00E1hy jsou hojni vyu3\u00EDv\u00E1ny jako soue\u00E1st audio kompresn\u00EDch syst\u00E9mu nebo algoritmu pro objektivn\u00ED hodnocen\u00ED kvality zvuku. K modelov\u00E1n\u00ED neline\u00E1rn\u00EDho, \u00FArovoovi z\u00E1visl\u00E9ho chov\u00E1n\u00ED kochley je toeba vyu3\u00EDt fysiologicky poesn\u00FDch modelu. El\u00E1nek popisuje implementaci takov\u00E9ho modelu v prostoed\u00ED Simulink. Model byl navr3en tak, aby reflektoval dule3it\u00E9 jevy jako je maskov\u00E1n\u00ED, frekvenen\u00ED selektivita a citlivost lidsk\u00E9ho vniton\u00EDho ucha."@cs .