"Mikrop\u00E1skov\u00E9 veden\u00ED na substr\u00E1tu z umil\u00E9ho dielektrika"@cs . . "P(GA102/06/1106)" . "Artificial dielectric; Dispersion characteristic; Microstrip line; Parallel plate waveguide; Periodic structure"@en . "1"^^ . . "Microstrip Line on an Artificial Dielectric Substrate"@en . . "1"^^ . "16" . "Microstrip Line on an Artificial Dielectric Substrate" . . "21230" . "RIV/68407700:21230/06:03120178" . . "7" . . . "US - Spojen\u00E9 st\u00E1ty americk\u00E9" . "1531-1309" . "[3F5B47561629]" . . . . . . . "Mikrop\u00E1skov\u00E9 veden\u00ED na substr\u00E1tu z umil\u00E9ho dielektrika"@cs . "Microstrip Line on an Artificial Dielectric Substrate"@en . . "485687" . "Mach\u00E1e, Jan" . "3"^^ . "This letter presents a new version of an artificial dielectric substrate and a microstrip line built on top of this substrate. The substrate is fabricated as a two-dimensional array of metallic posts separated from the top conductor by a thin dielectric slab. This structure can show a very high effective permittivity and can therefore offer a substantial reduction in the dimensions of microwave circuit elements."@en . . "IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters" . "416;418" . . "RIV/68407700:21230/06:03120178!RIV07-GA0-21230___" . "El\u00E1nek prezentuje novou versi umil\u00E9ho dielektrika pro substr\u00E1t a mikrop\u00E1skov\u00E9 veden\u00ED realizovan\u00E9 pomoc\u00ED tohoto substr\u00E1tu. Substr\u00E1t je vytvooen jako dvojrozmirn\u00E1 oada kovov\u00FDch uzemin\u00FDch hranolu, kter\u00E9 jsou oddileny od p\u00E1sku veden\u00ED tenkou dielektrickou vrstvou. Struktura mu3e vykazovat velmi vysokou efektivn\u00ED permitivitu a umo3ouje tedy podstatn\u00E9 zmen1en\u00ED rozmiru prvku mikrovlnn\u00FDch obvodu."@cs . "This letter presents a new version of an artificial dielectric substrate and a microstrip line built on top of this substrate. The substrate is fabricated as a two-dimensional array of metallic posts separated from the top conductor by a thin dielectric slab. This structure can show a very high effective permittivity and can therefore offer a substantial reduction in the dimensions of microwave circuit elements." . . "Microstrip Line on an Artificial Dielectric Substrate" .