"Vienna" . . . "Timed Automata Approach to Real Time Distributed System Verification" . "Verifikace distribuovanych systemu realneho casu casovanymi automaty."@cs . "407;410" . "Timed Automata Approach to Real Time Distributed System Verification"@en . "P\u00ED\u0161a, Pavel" . . . "Timed Automata Approach to Real Time Distributed System Verification"@en . . "0-7803-8734-1" . "Hanz\u00E1lek, Zden\u011Bk" . . . "21230" . . "4"^^ . "Proceedings of 2004 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems" . "4"^^ . . "RIV/68407700:21230/04:03100263" . "Verifikace distribuovanych systemu realneho casu casovanymi automaty."@cs . . "4"^^ . . "590364" . . . "Kr\u00E1kora, Jan" . "RIV/68407700:21230/04:03100263!RIV08-MPO-21230___" . "Waszniowski, Libor" . . "2004-09-22+02:00"^^ . . "This article deals with a distributed real-time application modelling by timed automata. The application under consideration consists of several processors communicating via Controller Area Network (CAN); each processor executes an application that consists of tasks running under an operating system (e.g. OSEK) and using inter-task synchronization primitives. For such system, model checking algorithm implemented in a model checking tool (e.g. UPAALL) can be used to verify complex time and logical properties of the proposed model (e.g. end-to-end response time, state reachability, deadlock freeness). Since the proposed timed automata model contains more crucial details of the system behavior with respect to classical approaches to the response time analysis, the model checking approach provides less pessimistic results in many cases."@en . "Tato prace popisuje jak verifikovat rozprostrene systemy realneho casu pomoci casovanych automatu. Zamnerujeme se na systemy pouzivajici Controller Area Network (CAN) jako sbernici a predpokladame ze na kazdem CPU bezi operacni system realneho casu. Pomoci casovanych jsme schopni verifikovat nejen logicke vlastnosti, ale tez casove (uvaznuti atd.). K porovnani s tradicnimi metodami je nase metoda preciznejsi."@cs . . "IEEE Industrial Electronic Society" . "[8CCBBFA2FCAD]" . . . "Controller area network; Distributed system; Model checking; Real-Time system; Timed automata"@en . . . "P(FD-K3/082)" . "Timed Automata Approach to Real Time Distributed System Verification" . "Vienna" . . "This article deals with a distributed real-time application modelling by timed automata. The application under consideration consists of several processors communicating via Controller Area Network (CAN); each processor executes an application that consists of tasks running under an operating system (e.g. OSEK) and using inter-task synchronization primitives. For such system, model checking algorithm implemented in a model checking tool (e.g. UPAALL) can be used to verify complex time and logical properties of the proposed model (e.g. end-to-end response time, state reachability, deadlock freeness). Since the proposed timed automata model contains more crucial details of the system behavior with respect to classical approaches to the response time analysis, the model checking approach provides less pessimistic results in many cases." .