"[B4C7EDF88781]" . "1058;1059" . "Human Factor in Production management"@en . "Proceedings of Workshop 2005 - Part A,B" . . . . . "In the article are presented issues of solution of the international project COST A29 HOPS - Human and Organization Factors in Industry Planning and Scheduling, Article deals with problem evaluation of effectiveness of human planner in production. Research is divided into three parts e.g. (1) basic which aim to gaining necessary knowledge, (2) integration which is aimed is distributed all necessary knowledge to all parts of production planning and (3) application which ensure necessary conditions for realization both above mentioned parts."@en . "Lastivkov\u00E1, Jana" . "P(1ET210170503)" . "2"^^ . . . . "In the article are presented issues of solution of the international project COST A29 HOPS - Human and Organization Factors in Industry Planning and Scheduling, Article deals with problem evaluation of effectiveness of human planner in production. Research is divided into three parts e.g. (1) basic which aim to gaining necessary knowledge, (2) integration which is aimed is distributed all necessary knowledge to all parts of production planning and (3) application which ensure necessary conditions for realization both above mentioned parts." . "2"^^ . "Human Factor in Production management" . "2005-03-21+01:00"^^ . "Human Factor in Production management" . "RIV/68407700:21220/05:02107793" . . "RIV/68407700:21220/05:02107793!RIV08-AV0-21220___" . "Praha" . "Praha" . "Lidsk\u00FD faktor ve v\u00FDrobn\u00EDm managementu"@cs . "Moln\u00E1r, Zden\u011Bk" . "Lidsk\u00FD faktor ve v\u00FDrobn\u00EDm managementu"@cs . "2"^^ . . . . . "\u010Cesk\u00E9 vysok\u00E9 u\u010Den\u00ED technick\u00E9 v Praze" . "Factor, Management"@en . "80-01-03201-9" . "21220" . . . "523881" . . "V p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvku jsou presentov\u00E1ny d\u00EDl\u010D\u00ED v\u00FDsledky \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED mezin\u00E1rodn\u00EDho projektu COST A29 HOPS - Human and Organisation Factors in Industry Planning and Scheduling P\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvek se zab\u00FDv\u00E1 problematikou hodnocen\u00ED efektivnosti \u00FAlohy lidsk\u00E9ho \u010Dinitele s c\u00EDlem zv\u00FD\u0161it znalosti pot\u0159ebn\u00E9 pro zlep\u0161en\u00ED v\u00FDkonnosti lid\u00ED v pr\u016Fmyslov\u00E9m pl\u00E1nov\u00E1n\u00ED a \u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED. V\u00FDzkum je zam\u011B\u0159en do t\u0159\u00ED oblast\u00ED: (1) z\u00E1kladn\u00ED, kter\u00E1 je zam\u011B\u0159ena na znalosti lid\u00ED pot\u0159ebn\u00E9 pro efektivn\u00ED \u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED a pr\u016Fmyslov\u00E9 v\u00FDroby, v\u010Detn\u011B v\u00FDzkumu po\u017Eadavk\u016F na tyto znalosti, (2) integra\u010Dn\u00ED, kter\u00E1 by m\u011Bla zajistit, aby tyto znalosti byly integrov\u00E1ny do v\u0161ech relevantn\u00EDch proces\u016F \u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED v\u00FDroby a (3) aplika\u010Dn\u00ED, kter\u00E1 by m\u011Bla zajistit podm\u00EDnky nutn\u00E9 k efektivn\u00ED aplikaci z\u00EDskan\u00FDch poznatk\u016F v\u00FDzkumu."@cs . . "Human Factor in Production management"@en .