"Praha" . . "2013-06-26+02:00"^^ . "CESB 13 - Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2013" . "4"^^ . . "Assessment Tool for Renovations reSBToolCZ"@en . . "2"^^ . . "2"^^ . "RIV/68407700:21110/13:00208280" . . . . . . "[73B413C56C76]" . "S" . . . "21110" . "Multicriterion assessment of buildings, placing an emphasis on their environmental profiles, is becoming increasingly important in building practice. It is generally known that the biggest deal of energy savings in the building sector is achieved through improving the existing building stock. New buildings represent just a small part of existing building stock. The key question with the existing buildings is, what approach to adopt towards existing buildings which can look very different depending on their construction, typology, building style and also value of their historical and cultural quality. The development of the methodology was finished and the assessment tool and benchmarks setting will are verified on multiple case studies. These case studies show how the methodology acts in different situations on different buildings."@en . "R\u016F\u017Ei\u010Dka, Jan" . "Assessment Tool for Renovations reSBToolCZ" . . "62325" . . . "GRADA PUBLISHING" . "Multicriterion assessment of buildings, placing an emphasis on their environmental profiles, is becoming increasingly important in building practice. It is generally known that the biggest deal of energy savings in the building sector is achieved through improving the existing building stock. New buildings represent just a small part of existing building stock. The key question with the existing buildings is, what approach to adopt towards existing buildings which can look very different depending on their construction, typology, building style and also value of their historical and cultural quality. The development of the methodology was finished and the assessment tool and benchmarks setting will are verified on multiple case studies. These case studies show how the methodology acts in different situations on different buildings." . . "Assessment Tool for Renovations reSBToolCZ"@en . "sustainable assessment; historical monuments; embodied energy; sustainable indicators; sustainability"@en . . . "Assessment Tool for Renovations reSBToolCZ" . "RIV/68407700:21110/13:00208280!RIV14-MSM-21110___" . "Man\u010D\u00EDk, \u0160t\u011Bp\u00E1n" . . "978-80-247-5018-7" . "Praha" . .