"MapServer; open source community software; spatial analysis; world wide web visualisation"@en . "[0CB409F382BB]" . . . "Nen\u00ED k dispozici"@cs . . "534616" . "Ostrava" . . . "neuvedeno" . . "Open Source GIS: Transformation among Particular Coordinate Systems Used in Our Territory Using System PROJ" . . . . "At the department of mathematics started the grant, solving the www visualization and analysing the open-cast mining activities and the reclamations development. Due to the long-term development prognose of open source community software there was made a decision to develop strictly open source system. We solve transformation problem between coordinate systems applied in Czech Republic by the help of the freeware library PROJ."@en . "RIV/68407700:21110/05:01110429!RIV06-GA0-21110___" . . . "2"^^ . "P(GP205/03/D155)" . "2"^^ . . . "At the department of mathematics started the grant, solving the www visualization and analysing the open-cast mining activities and the reclamations development. Due to the long-term development prognose of open source community software there was made a decision to develop strictly open source system. We solve transformation problem between coordinate systems applied in Czech Republic by the help of the freeware library PROJ." . . "Bo\u0159\u00EDk, Milan" . . "Open Source GIS: Transformation among Particular Coordinate Systems Used in Our Territory Using System PROJ"@en . "Honz\u00EDk, Vojt\u011Bch" . . "Open Source GIS: Transformation among Particular Coordinate Systems Used in Our Territory Using System PROJ" . "Open Source GIS: Transformation among Particular Coordinate Systems Used in Our Territory Using System PROJ"@en . "RIV/68407700:21110/05:01110429" . "21110" . . "Nen\u00ED k dispozici"@cs . "Na kated\u0159e matematiky je \u0159e\u0161en grant, jeho\u017E \u00FAkolem je vizualizace povrchov\u00E9 t\u011B\u017Eby a postupu rekultiva\u010Dn\u00EDch prac\u00ED pomoc\u00ED www slu\u017Eeb. Vzhledem k p\u0159edpokladu dlouhodob\u00E9ho v\u00FDvoje open source software vyv\u00EDj\u00EDme syst\u00E9m pou\u017E\u00EDvaj\u00EDc\u00ED striktn\u011B svobodn\u00FD software. V sou\u010Dasn\u00E9 dob\u011B pomoc\u00ED voln\u011B dostupn\u00E9 knihovny PROJ \u0159e\u0161\u00EDme probl\u00E9m transformace mezi jednotliv\u00FDmi sou\u0159adn\u00FDmi syst\u00E9my u\u017Eit\u00FDmi na \u00FAzem\u00ED \u010Cesk\u00E9 republiky."@cs . .