. . . . . . "\u010Cesk\u00E1 aerosolov\u00E1 spole\u010Dnost" . . . "RIV/68378271:_____/10:00356645!RIV11-AV0-68378271" . "3"^^ . . "3"^^ . . "Volumic dependence of nucleation barrier at critical supersaturation"@en . "Praha" . "Praha" . "Volumic dependence of nucleation barrier at critical supersaturation"@en . . "2010-11-18+01:00"^^ . . "nucleation; critical supersaturation; nucleation barrier"@en . "Volumic dependence of nucleation barrier at critical supersaturation" . . . . . "Kinetic equations of nucleation are solved numerically to found conditions, under which first nuclei are formed. Critical supercooling is determined from the size distribution of nuclei. It is shown that nucleation barrier at critical supercooling depends logarithmically on droplet volume." . "[F8A85EF6652A]" . . "Sborn\u00EDk konference \u010Cesk\u00E9 aerosolov\u00E9 spole\u010Dnosti 2010" . . "Volumic dependence of nucleation barrier at critical supersaturation" . "Demo, Pavel" . "Ko\u017E\u00ED\u0161ek, Zden\u011Bk" . . "Kinetic equations of nucleation are solved numerically to found conditions, under which first nuclei are formed. Critical supercooling is determined from the size distribution of nuclei. It is shown that nucleation barrier at critical supercooling depends logarithmically on droplet volume."@en . "P(IAA100100806), Z(AV0Z10100521)" . "296701" . "978-80-86186-25-2" . "RIV/68378271:_____/10:00356645" . . "4"^^ . "Sveshnikov, Alexei M." .