. "6"^^ . "Abazov, V. M." . "We present a measurement of the top quark mass with the Matrix Element method in the lepton+jets final state. The top quark mass is obtained from a fit that yields the combined statistical and systematic jet energy scale uncertainty. Using a data set of 370 pb-1 taken with the D0 experiment at Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, the mass of the top quark is measured using topological information to be: mtop(topo) = 169.2 +5.0-7.4 (stat.+JES) +1.5-1.4 (syst.) GeV, and when information about identified $b$ jets is included: mtop(b-tag) = 170.3 +4.1-4.5 (stat.+JES) +1.2-1.8 (syst.) GeV" . . . "\u010Cl\u00E1nek pojedn\u00E1v\u00E1 o m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED hmoty top kvarku s lepton+jet ve koncov\u00E9m stavu metodou maticov\u00E9ho elementu. Hmota top kvarku je obdr\u017Eena z fitu, kter\u00FD d\u00E1va kombinovanou statistickou a systematickou chybu m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED energie jetu. K m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED bylo pou\u017Eito 370 pb-1 dat nabran\u00E9 experimentem D0 v Runu II na urychlova\u010Di Tevatron ve Fermilabu. Hmota top kvarku je zm\u011B\u0159en\u00E1 pou\u017Eit\u00EDm informace o topologii: mtop(topo) = 169.2 +5.0-7.4 (stat.+JES) +1.5-1.4 (syst.) GeV. P\u0159i zahrnut\u00ED dal\u0161\u00ED informace o identifikovan\u00FDch $b$ jetech: mtop(b-tag) = 170.3 +4.1-4.5 (stat.+JES) +1.2-1.8 (syst.) GeV"@cs . "74" . . . "Abbott, B." . "Lokaj\u00ED\u010Dek, Milo\u0161" . "3"^^ . "We present a measurement of the top quark mass with the Matrix Element method in the lepton+jets final state. The top quark mass is obtained from a fit that yields the combined statistical and systematic jet energy scale uncertainty. Using a data set of 370 pb-1 taken with the D0 experiment at Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, the mass of the top quark is measured using topological information to be: mtop(topo) = 169.2 +5.0-7.4 (stat.+JES) +1.5-1.4 (syst.) GeV, and when information about identified $b$ jets is included: mtop(b-tag) = 170.3 +4.1-4.5 (stat.+JES) +1.2-1.8 (syst.) GeV"@en . . . "D\u00D8; DZero; b-tagging; top quark; top mass"@en . "[3382B446B77D]" . "Measurement of the top quark mass in the lepton+jets final state with the matrix element method"@en . . "US - Spojen\u00E9 st\u00E1ty americk\u00E9" . "Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology" . . "1550-7998" . . . "M\u011B\u0159en\u00ED hmoty top kvarku s lepton+jet ve koncov\u00E9m stavu metodou maticov\u00E9ho elementu"@cs . . . "Measurement of the top quark mass in the lepton+jets final state with the matrix element method" . "M\u011B\u0159en\u00ED hmoty top kvarku s lepton+jet ve koncov\u00E9m stavu metodou maticov\u00E9ho elementu"@cs . . "Measurement of the top quark mass in the lepton+jets final state with the matrix element method" . "Kup\u010Do, Alexander" . "Abolins, M." . "Measurement of the top quark mass in the lepton+jets final state with the matrix element method"@en . "092005/1;092005/26" . "484577" . . . . . . . "RIV/68378271:_____/06:00094229!RIV08-AV0-68378271" . "RIV/68378271:_____/06:00094229" . "P(1P04LA210), P(1P05LA257), Z(AV0Z10100502)" . . "\u0160im\u00E1k, Vladislav" . "9" . "26"^^ . .