"Uhorsko a podoby slovenskej identity v dlhom 19. storo\u010D\u00ED" . "Z(AV0Z70680506)" . "Hal\u00E1sz, Ivan" . "RIV/68378122:_____/11:00360666" . "Uhorsko a podoby slovenskej identity v dlhom 19. storo\u010D\u00ED" . "The aim of the work is to outline several alternatives of the development of Slovak national identity in the complicated conditions of multinational Hungary of the 19th century."@en . . . "Hungary and the Forms of Slovak Identity in the Long 19th Century"@en . . . . . . . "history of law; Slovak national identity; Hungary"@en . . "RIV/68378122:_____/11:00360666!RIV12-AV0-68378122" . "236585" . . "233"^^ . "Kalligram" . . "1"^^ . . "978-80-8101-435-2" . . "1"^^ . . "Cie\u013Eom danej pr\u00E1ce je na\u010Drtn\u00FA\u0165 problematiku viacer\u00FDch alternativ v\u00FDvoja slovenskej n\u00E1rodnej identity v zlo\u017Eit\u00FDch podmienkach mnohon\u00E1rodnostn\u00E9ho Uhorska 19. storo\u010Dia." . "Hungary and the Forms of Slovak Identity in the Long 19th Century"@en . . "Bratislava" . "233"^^ . "[DC15D89173D5]" . "Hal\u00E1sz, Ivan" . "Uhorsko a podoby slovenskej identity v dlhom 19. storo\u010D\u00ED" .