"Vop\u00E1lensk\u00FD, Pavel" . "Assembly of the cnidarian camera-type eye from vertebrate-like components" . "357106" . "R\u016F\u017Ei\u010Dkov\u00E1, Jana" . "5"^^ . "Assembly of the cnidarian camera-type eye from vertebrate-like components" . . "Strnad, Hynek" . . "Assembly of the cnidarian camera-type eye from vertebrate-like components"@en . "000257354400035" . . "Kozmik, Zbyn\u011Bk" . "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America" . "11"^^ . "Pa\u010Des, V\u00E1clav" . "[45005CE2E992]" . "Piatigorsky, J." . "P(1M0520), Z(AV0Z50520514)" . "Kawamura, S." . . . . . "8"^^ . "Vl\u010Dek, \u010Cestm\u00EDr" . "Assembly of the cnidarian camera-type eye from vertebrate-like components"@en . "0027-8424" . . . "evolution; gene; opsin"@en . . "Matsumoto, Y." . . "Skl\u00E1d\u00E1n\u00ED komorov\u00E9ho typu oka u \u017Eahavc\u016F ze slo\u017Eek o\u010D\u00ED obratlovc\u016F"@cs . . . "26" . . . . "US - Spojen\u00E9 st\u00E1ty americk\u00E9" . . . "Jon\u00E1\u0161ov\u00E1, Krist\u00FDna" . . "Animal eyes are morphologically diverse. Their assembly, however, always relies on the same basic principle, i.e., photoreceptors located in the vicinity of dark shielding pigment. Cnidaria as the likely sister group to the Bilateria are the earliest branching phylum with a well developed visual system. Here, we show that camera-type eyes of the cubozoan jellyfish, Tripedalia cystophora, use genetic building blocks typical of vertebrate eyes, namely, a ciliary phototransduction cascade and melanogenic pathway. Our findings indicative of parallelism provide an insight into eye evolution. Combined, the available data favor the possibility that vertebrate and cubozoan eyes arose by independent recruitment of orthologous genes during evolution."@en . . "RIV/68378050:_____/08:00318371!RIV09-AV0-68378050" . "P\u0159esto\u017Ee o\u010Di \u017Eivo\u010Dich\u016F se od sebe morfologicky li\u0161\u00ED, jejich slo\u017Een\u00ED v\u017Edy odpov\u00EDd\u00E1 z\u00E1kladn\u00EDmu principu: fotoreceptory, nach\u00E1zej\u00EDc\u00ED se v sousedstv\u00ED tmav\u00E9ho st\u00EDn\u00EDc\u00EDho pigmentu. \u017Dahavci, jako sestersk\u00E1 skupina trojlist\u00FDch ( Bilateralia), jsou nejran\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED od\u0161t\u011Bpuj\u00EDc\u00ED se kmen s velmi dob\u0159e vyvinut\u00FDm optick\u00FDm syst\u00E9mem. V tomto \u010Dl\u00E1nku ukazujeme, \u017Ee komorov\u00E9 oko med\u00FAzy \u010Dty\u0159hranky, Tripedalia cystophora, pou\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1 genetick\u00E9 stavebn\u00ED kameny typick\u00E9 pro obratlovce, jmenovit\u011B cili\u00E1rn\u00ED fototransduk\u010Dn\u00ED kask\u00E1du a melanogenickou dr\u00E1hu. Na\u0161e n\u00E1lezy indikuj\u00EDc\u00ED paralelitu nab\u00EDz\u00ED nahl\u00E9dnut\u00ED do evoluce oka. Dostupn\u00E1 data nav\u00EDc podporuj\u00ED mo\u017Enost, \u017Ee o\u010Di obratlovc\u016F a \u017Eahavc\u016F vznikly nez\u00E1visl\u00FDm dopl\u0148ov\u00E1n\u00EDm ortologn\u00EDch gen\u016F b\u011Bhem evoluce."@cs . "Kozmikov\u00E1, Irina" . "RIV/68378050:_____/08:00318371" . . "105" . . "Animal eyes are morphologically diverse. Their assembly, however, always relies on the same basic principle, i.e., photoreceptors located in the vicinity of dark shielding pigment. Cnidaria as the likely sister group to the Bilateria are the earliest branching phylum with a well developed visual system. Here, we show that camera-type eyes of the cubozoan jellyfish, Tripedalia cystophora, use genetic building blocks typical of vertebrate eyes, namely, a ciliary phototransduction cascade and melanogenic pathway. Our findings indicative of parallelism provide an insight into eye evolution. Combined, the available data favor the possibility that vertebrate and cubozoan eyes arose by independent recruitment of orthologous genes during evolution." . "Skl\u00E1d\u00E1n\u00ED komorov\u00E9ho typu oka u \u017Eahavc\u016F ze slo\u017Eek o\u010D\u00ED obratlovc\u016F"@cs . . .