. "SK - Slovensk\u00E1 republika" . "0440-6605" . "3"^^ . . . "0"^^ . . "0"^^ . . "Helminthologia" . "39" . . . . "2"^^ . . . "RIV/68081766:_____/02:67020029!RIV/2003/AV0/A67003/N" . . "P(GA524/01/1314), P(IAA6093104), Z(AV0Z6093917)" . . . "Next remarks to the knowledge of heavy metal concentrations in gravid tapeworm species parasitizing aquatic birds."@en . "655618" . "Next remarks to the knowledge of heavy metal concentrations in gravid tapeworm species parasitizing aquatic birds."@en . "3" . "Tenora, F." . "143;148" . . "Next remarks to the knowledge of heavy metal concentrations in gravid tapeworm species parasitizing aquatic birds." . . "Proke\u0161, Miroslav" . "The parasite-host systems (6 tapeworm species vs. 7 aquatic birds species) by atomic absorption spectrometry for heavy metal concentrations were analysed. Gravid tapeworms belonged to three families: Ligulidae (Ligula intestinalis), Hymenolepididae (Contluarie capillarioides, Microsomacanthus compressa, Diploposthe laevis and Microsomacanthus parvula) and Dilepididae (Parvitaenia ardeolae). Birds belonged to 4 orders, namely: Podicipediformes (Podiceps cristatus), Anseriformes (Aythya lerina, Aythya nyroca, Anas crecca), Ciconiiformes (Ardea cinerea, Ardea purpurea) and Pelecaniformes (Phalacrocorax carbo). In all cases, higher heavy metal concentrations were found in the species of gravid tapeworms, lover ones in organs (liver, muscle) of their hosts. In the tapeworms the highest values were found in Pb, the lowest in Cd. It was found different ratio values expressing the ratio of Cestoda heavy metal concentrations to host organs concentrations. The results indicate a different capacity of gravid tap"@en . "heavy metal concentrations; Cestoda; aquatic birds"@en . "Next remarks to the knowledge of heavy metal concentrations in gravid tapeworm species parasitizing aquatic birds." . . . "Baru\u0161, Vlastimil" . . "The parasite-host systems (6 tapeworm species vs. 7 aquatic birds species) by atomic absorption spectrometry for heavy metal concentrations were analysed. Gravid tapeworms belonged to three families: Ligulidae (Ligula intestinalis), Hymenolepididae (Contluarie capillarioides, Microsomacanthus compressa, Diploposthe laevis and Microsomacanthus parvula) and Dilepididae (Parvitaenia ardeolae). Birds belonged to 4 orders, namely: Podicipediformes (Podiceps cristatus), Anseriformes (Aythya lerina, Aythya nyroca, Anas crecca), Ciconiiformes (Ardea cinerea, Ardea purpurea) and Pelecaniformes (Phalacrocorax carbo). In all cases, higher heavy metal concentrations were found in the species of gravid tapeworms, lover ones in organs (liver, muscle) of their hosts. In the tapeworms the highest values were found in Pb, the lowest in Cd. It was found different ratio values expressing the ratio of Cestoda heavy metal concentrations to host organs concentrations. The results indicate a different capacity of gravid tap" . "[C4EC28A0047A]" . . "RIV/68081766:_____/02:67020029" . "6"^^ .