"I" . "RIV/67985955:_____/13:00434126" . . . "84990" . . "child; mother; family; Oidipus complex; J. Lacan"@en . "L'individu et la famille" . "1"^^ . "Supplementary Issue 2" . . "The Individual and the Family"@en . "The Individual and the Family"@en . . . . "L'individu et la famille" . "La relation de l'inmdividu avec la famille est envisag\u00E9e du point de vue de l'\u011Bvolution de l'enfant dans la premi\u00E8re p\u00E9riode de sa vie o\u00F9 il est d'abord absolument d\u00E9pendant des soins de sa m\u00E8re ou de la personne qui la substitue. Cette relation duelle avec la m\u00E8re est d\u00E9pass\u00E9e quand ce qui est d\u00E9sign\u00E9 comme complexe d'Oedipe y introduit le p\u00E8re comme la troisi\u00E8me personne. On peut d\u00E9signer comme mythique l' hypoth\u00E8se de Freud qui voyait l'origine de ce complexe dans un \u00E9v\u00E9nement r\u00E9el appartenant \u00E0 la pr\u00E9histoire du genre humain. Jacques Lacan souligne la liaison du complexe d'Oeidpe avec l'organisation patriarcale de la soci\u00E9t\u00E9 et sa foncntion de ce qui permet l'entr\u00E9e de l'individu dans l'odre symbolique (dans les soci\u00E9t\u00E9s \u00E9tudi\u00E9es par les ethnologues, une fonction analogue est remplie par les rituels initiatiques). Il \u00E9tait convaincu que m\u00EAme l'enfant de sexe f\u00E9minin doit prendre pour base de son identification le symbole du sexe oppos\u00E9 (ce qui a \u00E9t\u00E9 critiqu\u00E9 comme fallocentrisme); d'autre part, on peut mentionner la critique de certaines attitudes f\u00E9ministes qui ne permettent pas de voir dans la maternit\u00E9 une expression naturelle de la f\u00E9mininit\u00E9." . "[6A13359C9657]" . "68" . "Filozofia" . "The relationship between the individual and the family is approached at first from the perspective of the formation of a person in the early period of her childhood. A child is first fully dependent on maternal care (or on care of a person replacing the mother). Later, at the age from three to five years the child experience the so called Oedipus complex as a complex of feelings through which the child overcomes, thanks to father, his ambiguous relationships to his mother. Attention is paid also to the mythical character of Freud's conception viewing the Oedipus Complex as grounded in a real event of the early history of humankind. Drawing on Lacan's conceptions the connection between Oedipus Complex and the patriarchal social order is emphasized, the latter being conceived as an entry to the symbolical order (the rites of initiation play a similar role in societies studied by ethnologists). Lacan's conviction, that a child of female gender is forced to accept the symbol of the opposite gender as a basis of her own identity (a view criticized as phallocentrism), is mentioned as well. In conclusion some of the feminist attitudes are criticized for their inability to see the pregnancy as a natural acceptance of the female corporeality."@en . . "Pechar, Ji\u0159\u00ED" . . "9"^^ . "0046-385X" . "RIV/67985955:_____/13:00434126!RIV15-AV0-67985955" . "000332590800008" . . . . "1"^^ . . "SK - Slovensk\u00E1 republika" . . . .