. "12"^^ . . "Obstacles to the Relativity of Truth"@en . "439;450" . . . . . "[B31D9377CB8D]" . "4" . "SK - Slovensk\u00E1 republika" . . "RIV/67985955:_____/06:00045527!RIV07-AV0-67985955" . . "P\u0159ek\u00E1\u017Eky relativizaci pravdivosti"@cs . "Marvan, Tom\u00E1\u0161" . . "1"^^ . "\u00DAvodn\u00ED sekce \u010Dl\u00E1nku se pokou\u0161\u00ED vyjasnit teoretick\u00FD r\u00E1mec pravdivostn\u00EDho relativismu. \u010Cl\u00E1nek pot\u00E9 nasti\u0148uje t\u0159i p\u0159ek\u00E1\u017Eky v\u016F\u010Di t\u011Bm, kte\u0159\u00ED by r\u00E1di relativizovali pravdu tvrzen\u00ED. Tyto p\u0159ek\u00E1\u017Eky se t\u00FDkaj\u00ED rozli\u0161en\u00ED mezi absolutn\u011B a relativn\u011B pravdiv\u00FDmi tvrzen\u00EDmi, toto\u017Enosti propozice mezi rozd\u00EDln\u00FDmi perspektivami a mo\u017Enosti rozli\u0161en\u00ED mezi r\u016Fzn\u00FDmi druhy ch\u00E1p\u00E1n\u00ED pravdivostn\u00EDho predik\u00E1tu."@cs . "Z(AV0Z90090514)" . "13" . . "relativism; truth; perspectives"@en . "1"^^ . "Obstacles to the Relativity of Truth"@en . "The introductory section of the paper attempts to clarify the theoretical framework of truth-relativism. The paper then presents three obstacles to those who would like to relativise truth of a statement. These concern the distinction between absolutely and relatively true statements, the identity of a proposition across different perspectives and the possibility of distinguishing between various ways of construing the truth predicate."@en . . "1335-0668" . "RIV/67985955:_____/06:00045527" . . "Obstacles to the Relativity of Truth" . "The introductory section of the paper attempts to clarify the theoretical framework of truth-relativism. The paper then presents three obstacles to those who would like to relativise truth of a statement. These concern the distinction between absolutely and relatively true statements, the identity of a proposition across different perspectives and the possibility of distinguishing between various ways of construing the truth predicate." . "Obstacles to the Relativity of Truth" . "489780" . "Organon F" . . "P\u0159ek\u00E1\u017Eky relativizaci pravdivosti"@cs . . .