"Filosofia" . "Praha [CZ]" . "Materna, Pavel" . "1"^^ . . . "Funkce a konstrukce." . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . "Je objasn\u011Bn soudob\u00FD pojem funkce jako\u017Eto zobrazen\u00ED a porovn\u00E1n se star\u0161\u00EDm pojet\u00EDm funkc\u00ED jako\u017Eto p\u0159edpis\u016F (intelektu\u00E1ln\u00EDch krok\u016F). Je obhajov\u00E1n objektivn\u00ED charakter funkc\u00ED. D\u00E1le je objasn\u011Bn pojem konstrukc\u00ED, jak byl definov\u00E1n v transparentn\u00ED intenzion\u00E1ln\u00ED logice. Proto\u017Ee konstrukce nejsou zobrazen\u00ED, mohly by b\u00FDt sp\u00ED\u0161 porovn\u00E1ny se star\u0161\u00EDm pojmem funkce. Konstrukce mohou slou\u017Eit jako explikans Fregova pojmmu smyslu." . . "80-7007-147-8" . "[7115DF49712D]" . "Funkce a konstrukce." . . "RIV/67985955:_____/01:36010112" . . "Praha" . "1998-11-03+01:00"^^ . "RIV/67985955:_____/01:36010112!RIV/2003/AV0/A36003/N" . "52;68" . . . . "17"^^ . "The contemporary notion of functions as mappings is explained and compared with the older notion where functions were conceived of as being prescriptions. The objective character of functions is defended. The notion of constructions, as defined in transparent intensional logic, is then explained; it is shown that constructions are no mappings, so that they could be rather compared with the older, prescriptional notion. Constructions can serve as explicans of the Fregean notion of sense."@en . "680835" . "Funkce a konstrukce."@cs . "Functions and Constructions."@en . "logic"@en . "Functions and Constructions."@en . "Funkcionalismus ve v\u011Bd\u011B a filosofii." . "Z(AV0Z9009908)" . . . . . . "Funkce a konstrukce."@cs . .