"Bend sensing with long-period fiber gratings in capillaries embedded in structures"@en . "28" . "\u010Ctyrok\u00FD, Ji\u0159\u00ED" . . . . "9"^^ . "fibre optic sensors; periodic structures"@en . "CH - \u0160v\u00FDcarsk\u00E1 konfederace" . "Detekce ohybu pomoc\u00ED vl\u00E1knov\u00FDch m\u0159\u00ED\u017Eek s dlouhou periodou v kapil\u00E1r\u00E1ch zabudovan\u00FDch do struktur"@cs . . "7"^^ . "716;721" . . . . . "6"^^ . "0928-4931" . "Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems" . . . "Salvia, M." . . "Mat\u011Bjec, Vlastimil" . . . . . "Bend sensing with long-period fiber gratings in capillaries embedded in structures" . "357789" . . "RIV/67985882:_____/08:00307003" . . "Bend sensing with long-period fiber gratings in capillaries embedded in structures"@en . "5/6" . . "P(GA102/06/1851), Z(AV0Z20670512)" . "Ka\u0161\u00EDk, Ivan" . "Probo\u0161tov\u00E1-Skok\u00E1nkov\u00E1, Jana" . "Bend responses of an LPG inscribed with a CO2 laser in a conventional single-mode fiber are investigated in an arrangement, where the LPG is inserted into a thin silica capillary bonded to a steel strip. Experiments are done for a very large range of bend deflections with the LPG in three positions shifted with respect to the center of bending, and two distinct opposite rotational orientations with respect to the plane of bending." . "RIV/67985882:_____/08:00307003!RIV08-AV0-67985882" . "Byly zkoum\u00E1ny odezvy LPG zapsan\u00FDch CO2 laserem do konven\u010Dn\u00EDho single-modov\u00E9ho vl\u00E1kna k ohybu v takov\u00E9m uspo\u0159\u00E1d\u00E1n\u00ED, kde je LPG vlo\u017Eeno to tenk\u00E9 k\u0159emenn\u00E9 kapil\u00E1ry p\u0159ipevn\u011Bn\u00E9 k ocelov\u00E9mu p\u00E1sku. Byly provedeny experimenty s velmi \u0161irok\u00FDm rozsahem ohybu s LPG ve t\u0159ech m\u00EDstech posunut\u00FDch vzhledem ke st\u0159edu ohybu a ve dvou r\u016Fzn\u00FDch opa\u010Dn\u011B orientovan\u00FDch rotac\u00EDch s vzhledem k rovin\u011B ohybu."@cs . "Detekce ohybu pomoc\u00ED vl\u00E1knov\u00FDch m\u0159\u00ED\u017Eek s dlouhou periodou v kapil\u00E1r\u00E1ch zabudovan\u00FDch do struktur"@cs . "Bend responses of an LPG inscribed with a CO2 laser in a conventional single-mode fiber are investigated in an arrangement, where the LPG is inserted into a thin silica capillary bonded to a steel strip. Experiments are done for a very large range of bend deflections with the LPG in three positions shifted with respect to the center of bending, and two distinct opposite rotational orientations with respect to the plane of bending."@en . "Chom\u00E1t, Miroslav" . "[0031D69FC6C2]" . . . "Bend sensing with long-period fiber gratings in capillaries embedded in structures" . "Todorov, Filip" . "Jehid, J." . . . "Berkov\u00E1, Daniela" .