"Industri\u00E1ln\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDroda - probl\u00E9my p\u00E9\u010De a ochrany."@cs . . "C\u00EDlek, V\u00E1clav" . . "RIV/67985831:_____/02:09023185" . "The paper analyses the case of the Bu\u0161t\u011Bhrad mine dump (Kladno district, central Bohemia) with an area of 55 ha. Its future is a controversial matter. It may represent a nature reserve, deposit of secondary materials (a part of the dump includes 1 milion tons of iron) and a geochemical timed bomb at the same time."@en . "\u010Cl\u00E1nek se zab\u00FDv\u00E1 bu\u0161t\u011Bhradskou haldou u Kladna, kter\u00E1 p\u0159edstavuje kontroverzn\u00ED objekt sm\u011B\u0159uj\u00EDc\u00ED jak k p\u0159\u00EDrodn\u00ED rezervaci, tak i k mo\u017En\u00E9mu kontamina\u010Dn\u00EDmu zdroji." . "Industrial Nature - Problems of Management and Conservation."@en . "RIV/67985831:_____/02:09023185!RIV/2003/AV0/A09003/N" . . "648755" . "Z(AV0Z3013912)" . "[8044DBC096CB]" . "313;316" . "Industri\u00E1ln\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDroda - probl\u00E9my p\u00E9\u010De a ochrany." . . . . "57" . "1210-258X" . . "4"^^ . "Ochrana p\u0159\u00EDrody" . "Industrial Nature - Problems of Management and Conservation."@en . "dump; industrial nature; conservation"@en . "Industri\u00E1ln\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDroda - probl\u00E9my p\u00E9\u010De a ochrany." . . . . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Industri\u00E1ln\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDroda - probl\u00E9my p\u00E9\u010De a ochrany."@cs . . . . . . "1"^^ . "10" .