"1"^^ . "P(GA205/04/0358), P(IAA3003202), Z(AV0Z10030501)" . "551583" . . . "solar flares; X-ray emission; magnetic trap collapse"@en . . "[AAF3638DE97C]" . . "X-Ray Emission of the April 6, 2001 Flare Modelled by Processes in a Collapsing Magnetic Trap" . "12"^^ . . "0351-2657" . "RIV/67985815:_____/05:00027716" . "S u\u017Eit\u00EDm modelu testuj\u00EDc\u00EDch \u010D\u00E1stic, kter\u00FD popisuje urychlovac\u00ED procesy v kolabuj\u00EDc\u00ED magnetick\u00E9 pasti, byla modelov\u00E1na rentgenov\u00E1 emise erupce ze dne 6. dubna 2001."@cs . "Rentgenov\u00E1 emise erupce ze dne 6. dubna 2001, modelovan\u00E1 procesy v kolabuj\u00EDc\u00ED magnetick\u00E9 pasti"@cs . "Karlick\u00FD, Marian" . . "1" . . "X-Ray Emission of the April 6, 2001 Flare Modelled by Processes in a Collapsing Magnetic Trap" . "HR - Chorvatsk\u00E1 republika" . . . . . "Rentgenov\u00E1 emise erupce ze dne 6. dubna 2001, modelovan\u00E1 procesy v kolabuj\u00EDc\u00ED magnetick\u00E9 pasti"@cs . "Using a test particle numerical model describing acceleration processes in the collapsing magnetic trap the X-ray emission of the April 6, 2001 flare was modelled" . . . "RIV/67985815:_____/05:00027716!RIV06-AV0-67985815" . "1"^^ . . . "29" . "X-Ray Emission of the April 6, 2001 Flare Modelled by Processes in a Collapsing Magnetic Trap"@en . "Using a test particle numerical model describing acceleration processes in the collapsing magnetic trap the X-ray emission of the April 6, 2001 flare was modelled"@en . . . "X-Ray Emission of the April 6, 2001 Flare Modelled by Processes in a Collapsing Magnetic Trap"@en . . "137;148" . "Hvar Observatory Bulletin" .