. "2011-11-10+01:00"^^ . "Sap-flow, biomass increment and water use efficiency of short rotation poplar coppice" . . . "19. Posterov\u00FD de\u0148 s medzin\u00E1rodnou \u00FA\u010Das\u0165ou %22Transport vody, chemik\u00E1li\u00ED a energie v syst\u00E9me p\u00F4da-rastlina-atmosf\u00E9ra" . "RIV/67179843:_____/11:00374260" . . . "RIV/67179843:_____/11:00374260!RIV12-AV0-67179843" . "228142" . "sap-flow; short rotation coppice; water use efficiency"@en . . . . . "Fischer, Milan" . "This paper deals with interaction between amount of water lost by tree transpiration and aboveground biomass increment in poplar based short rotation coppice in conditions of Czech-Moravian highlands. Stem sap-flow measured on 8 poplar trees by Granier heat dissipation method was put in relation with biomass increments measured both with automated dendrometers so with manual measurements with caliper gauge. Transpiration totals ranged between 28.3 \u2013 175.6 liters per tree in executed period 3. 8. \u2013 31. 8. 2011. Above-ground biomass increments in this period varied between 30.07 \u2013 519.28 g per tree and mean value of water use efficiency of all monitored trees reached 2.76 g kg-1. Mean diurnal sap-flow total of all sampled trees was 3.25 liters. Results show that it is possible to establish relationship between transpiration totals and biomass increments (coefficient of determination R2 = 0.90) and also relationship between transpiration totals and stem diameter (R2 = 0.93). These results were further used for calculations of transpiration as scaling factors from tree level to whole stand level. Finally, the calculated transpiration of the whole stand was compared with actual evapotranspiration measured by Bowen ratio energy balance method and potential evapotranspiration calculated according Penman."@en . . "4"^^ . . "Trnka, Miroslav" . . . "978-80-89139-26-2" . . "\u00DAH a GF\u00DA SAV" . "Sap-flow, biomass increment and water use efficiency of short rotation poplar coppice"@en . "Sap-flow, biomass increment and water use efficiency of short rotation poplar coppice"@en . . "Sap-flow, biomass increment and water use efficiency of short rotation poplar coppice" . . . . "[EA5CFA1628C7]" . "Ku\u010Dera, J." . "1"^^ . "This paper deals with interaction between amount of water lost by tree transpiration and aboveground biomass increment in poplar based short rotation coppice in conditions of Czech-Moravian highlands. Stem sap-flow measured on 8 poplar trees by Granier heat dissipation method was put in relation with biomass increments measured both with automated dendrometers so with manual measurements with caliper gauge. Transpiration totals ranged between 28.3 \u2013 175.6 liters per tree in executed period 3. 8. \u2013 31. 8. 2011. Above-ground biomass increments in this period varied between 30.07 \u2013 519.28 g per tree and mean value of water use efficiency of all monitored trees reached 2.76 g kg-1. Mean diurnal sap-flow total of all sampled trees was 3.25 liters. Results show that it is possible to establish relationship between transpiration totals and biomass increments (coefficient of determination R2 = 0.90) and also relationship between transpiration totals and stem diameter (R2 = 0.93). These results were further used for calculations of transpiration as scaling factors from tree level to whole stand level. Finally, the calculated transpiration of the whole stand was compared with actual evapotranspiration measured by Bowen ratio energy balance method and potential evapotranspiration calculated according Penman." . "Ors\u00E1g, Mat\u011Bj" . . . . . "P(ED1.1.00/02.0073), Z(AV0Z60870520), Z(MSM6215648905)" . . "Bratislava" . "Bratislava" . "\u017Dalud, Zden\u011Bk" . "5"^^ .