. "Is Globalization Overpowering Democracy? The Challenge for Ecology, Economy and Culture" . "Lapka, Miloslav" . . "2"^^ . "This book represents results of a conference that was held in Prague in June 2001, still before 11th September 2001, when most of the world's population fully realized what danger people were facing vis--vis international terrorism. This circumstance explains why this ugly aspect of globalization has received little attention in the book. Apart from that, the book deals with almost all significant relationships between the processes of globalization and their consequences for democracy at different levels and scales. Nearly six years have now passed since the Conference was held, but this is a relatively short period with respect to the time scale of world development. The message of this book is therefore still relevant to us, and we can learn a lot from the individual contributions to the book."@en . "978-80-7363-125-3" . . "Is Globalization Overpowering Democracy? The Challenge for Ecology, Economy and Culture"@en . "Praha" . "427586" . . . "[41B91F7C473B]" . "Rikoon, J. S." . "Is Globalization Overpowering Democracy? The Challenge for Ecology, Economy and Culture" . "Kniha \u201EV\u00EDt\u011Bz\u00ED globalizace nad demokraci\u00ED?\u201C je soubor text\u016F napsan\u00FDch je\u0161t\u011B p\u0159ed datem 11. z\u00E1\u0159\u00ED 2001, proto se ve v\u00FD\u010Dtu glob\u00E1ln\u00EDch probl\u00E9m\u016F je\u0161t\u011B neobjevuje mezin\u00E1rodn\u00ED terorismus. Zato v\u0161echny ostatn\u00ED probl\u00E9my jsou dob\u0159e zastoupeny a to p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm z pohledu zem\u00ED t\u0159et\u00EDho sv\u011Bta. V\u00FDb\u011Br je reprezentativn\u00ED tak\u00E9 z hlediska zastoupen\u00ED jednotliv\u00FDch discipl\u00EDn, od ekolog\u016F po ekonomy a filosofy. Dopad globalizace na demokratick\u00E9 procesy v jednotliv\u00FDch zem\u00EDch nen\u00ED jednotn\u00FD, v knize je vid\u011Bt nakolik se li\u0161\u00ED probl\u00E9my pojet\u00ED globalizace Evropy a USA od probl\u00E9m\u016F a pojet\u00ED v nap\u0159. Braz\u00EDlii. Kniha kon\u010D\u00ED diskus\u00ED o nutnosti glob\u00E1ln\u00ED \u00FAstavy."@cs . . "Is Globalization Overpowering Democracy? The Challenge for Ecology, Economy and Culture" . "V\u00EDt\u011Bz\u00ED globalizace nad demokraci\u00ED? V\u00FDzva pro ekologii, ekonomii a kulturu"@cs . . . . "RIV/67179843:_____/07:00081672!RIV07-MSM-67179843" . . "This book represents results of a conference that was held in Prague in June 2001, still before 11th September 2001, when most of the world's population fully realized what danger people were facing vis--vis international terrorism. This circumstance explains why this ugly aspect of globalization has received little attention in the book. Apart from that, the book deals with almost all significant relationships between the processes of globalization and their consequences for democracy at different levels and scales. Nearly six years have now passed since the Conference was held, but this is a relatively short period with respect to the time scale of world development. The message of this book is therefore still relevant to us, and we can learn a lot from the individual contributions to the book." . . . "288"^^ . . "288"^^ . . "globalization; overpowering; democracy"@en . . . . "Is Globalization Overpowering Democracy? The Challenge for Ecology, Economy and Culture"@en . "Doko\u0159\u00E1n, s.r.o" . . "P(1P05ME750), Z(AV0Z60870520), Z(MZE7507574101)" . "RIV/67179843:_____/07:00081672" . "3"^^ . "V\u00EDt\u011Bz\u00ED globalizace nad demokraci\u00ED? V\u00FDzva pro ekologii, ekonomii a kulturu"@cs . "Cudl\u00EDnov\u00E1, Eva" . .